Today its time for Heroin!!!!

Sep 08, 2004 12:03

Well todays topic is Herion kids! Yes herion! The happy powder that can make you happy and make it seem like you can fly... Well I was searching the web and came across a disturbing page! A page that puts Heroin down, that says it is bad for us. It lies to us it is poision to us Lets read these lies!

"Heroin Effects

There are many different types of heroin effects that a drug user can experience, and heroin effects can be extremely detrimental to a person's mind and body. Heroin is an opiate derived from the drug morphine, and its highly addictive properties and quick acting-effects made it a popular street drug immediately.

Heroin is a relatively pricey drug, however, even after a person uses it for the first time, he/she will most likely become addicted to the heroin effects that are felt. The idea of 'heroin sheik' was popularized through advertising and films in the eighties and early nineties and told viewers that heroin effects such as losing one's appetite and becoming ghastly and pale were attractive. In reality, a heroin user's body is unable to function normally, and once heroin is put into the body the person no longer has any desires but to find more of the drug.

Heroin can be smoked, snorted and injected intravenously, however the heroin effects felt from injecting the drug are often more intense, therefore more desirable. In recent years, with the large outbreak of drug-related HIV and AIDS cases, users have tried to be more cautious and have looked to snorting and smoking as alternatives. Aside from the heroin effects risk of contracting incurable and fatal diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis, the drug's addictive quality makes it extremely difficult for a user to ever try to stop.

When heroin is first infiltrated into a person's body, the brain's natural chemistry reacts with the heroin toxins to create what users describe as a feeling of 'euphoria'. Other heroin effects can also include dizziness, feeling as though the body has become heavy and the person cannot move, as well as nausea and a change in skin temperature. In addition , heroin users will also begin to feel tired, or as though the world no longer exists around them and their ability to function both mentally and physically will decrease. Heroin effects damage the nervous system and can also cause short and long term harm to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Because of the toxins in the drug, as well as the way that it is taken into the body, heroin is a drug that many people overdose on. While lucky people come out of the overdose alive and unharmed, others either die or have severe and permanent damage as a result.

Heroin users that continue to use the drug will find that they feel the heroin effect of addiction start to take control of them. Once a user comes down off the high the desire to obtain more of the drug grows in the form of an obsession or craving. With this obsession also comes a higher tolerance for the drug, meaning more is needed to experience the same heroin effects and high.

If and when a person comes down off heroin, he/she will experience a painful period from detoxing off of the heroin effects. Withdrawal symptoms can include diarrhea, convulsions, vomiting, and uncontrollable body movements. These heroin effects are quit possibly some of the most uncomfortable, however they will only last for a few days and can be effectively treated with a medical detox and drug treatment.

At Spencer Recovery Centers we provide the best in treatment for heroin effects and substance abuse. Our serene location and highly competent staff make starting life in recovery a pleasant experience. If you or someone you love has a problem with heroin effects and cannot stop using drugs along, Spencer Recovery Centers can help. Please contact us today and find out how we can help you begin a new life. Recovery starts with you."

Ok lets get one thing straight I'm not hahahaha I crack myself up!
Ok but seriously what recovery would one need to get off Heroin? You can't recover from a disicion its already been made you can't turn back! and addicting? since when? I know people who use and aren't addicted they just know when they want it!

Hahahaha this entry was a lame ass entry of bordom... I am not on Heroin and have never been on it nor would I ever it is just I'm bored and this provided entertainment.... the only drugs anyone and everyone should be doing is MARIJUANNA ...yes marijuanna cuz it is good for you... how can it not be when i helps people with cancer live longer.

I hate Scottsdale Arizona! I am at school as we speak sitting amoungst ignorent dememnted deranged dumb fucks! I wasn't expecting a big red welcome mat to be layed out for me when I arrived here but I was expecting a few nice people. Not a whole school made up of jug-heads! Well that was my little tiny rant lalalalala!

Marilyn Manson has a new CD coming out on September 28th go buy it now or if you don't like him go buy it for me okie dokie now that that is settled go fuck yourselfs you faggots of the world!!!!!

I still love ya Jessicka you will always be my best friend and I wont ever ever forget about you EVER! Recover and live a happy or simi happy life but don't change you! Don't change from the awsomeated, lovely, trippendicular girl that I met last year and knew would be friends with for a long time. I am sad that our friendship was cut sort due to either your drug or alcohol addiction but that doesn't mean we wont see each other in the future and if you care about me in the least or if our friendship ment anything to you contact me in one way or another please I beg of you Jessicka PLEASE!!!!!!

Bye Bye
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