Sep 28, 2005 03:10
a p p e a r a n c e
height: 5'5 in a half
hair color: Brown
skin color: TAN
eye color: Brown
piercings: ears and belly button
tattoos: Not yet =)
r i g h t n o w
what color pants are you wearing? gray sweats
what song are you listening to?: Badd
what taste is in your mouth?: ice cream
how do you feel?: mad that i have to go to church. haha.
d o y o u
get motion sickness?: NO WAY
have a bad habit?: being tooooo nice
How about a nervous habit?: i always have to go to the bathroom
get along with your parents?: mostly
f a v o r i t e s
book: The A List
non alcoholic drink: MT DEW and chocolate milk
alcoholic drink: idk..
thing to do on the weekend: hang with friends
h a v e y o u
broken the law: yes
snuck out of the house: yes ma'm
made a prank phone call: yeah
skipped school before: Yeah subway
been in a school or church play: yep...FOOTLOOSE
l o v e
Girlfriend/Boyfriend: nah...
Current crush: wouldnt you like to know =)
been in love: dont think so
Had your heart broken: mmm yep.
broken someone else’s heart: idk...i think so.
Had a hard time getting over someone: haha oooooooh yeah definitely.
your greatest regret: dont regret anything
r a n d o m
your cd player has in it right now: burnt CD
What makes you happy?: SARAH, and alllll my other friends.
w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t..
time you cried: couple weeks ago after the movies. ha i hate crying.
you got e-mail: idk i dont check it
thing you purchased: Empire Wok
movie you watched: dont remember.
y o u r t h o u g h t s o n
abortion: no good.
teenage smoking: YUCK
dreams: Reach for the sky.....good one tay
f a v o r i t e
[COLOR]: green and orange
[NUMBER]: 18
[SUBJECT:] lunch, and english.
[CLOTHING BRAND:] abercrombie
[SHOE BRAND:] nike
[SPORT TO PLAY:] dance....duh.
[DRINK:] mt dew
[ANIMAL:] dolphin
[HOLIDAY:] Christmas!!!!!! halloweens cool too.
[BAND(s):] yellowcard, dashboard
[MOVIE:] notebook, mean girls, billy madison, tommy boy, pirates of the carribean, honey, footloose, many more.
w h o
[makes you laugh the most?]: sarah, lance..all of em.
[makes you smile]: all of em.
[has a crush on you?]: ha..idk.
[easiest to talk to]: sarah
d o y o u e v e r
[sit on the Internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?]: uhh NO
have aol/aim conversations]: yeah
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: YES sometimes.
h a v e y o u e v e r
[fallen for your best friend]: mmm maybe.
[been rejected]: yeah
[rejected someone}:yeah
[been cheated on]: yes.
[done something you regret]: nope
w h o w a s t h e l a s t p e r s o n
[you talked to on the phone]: steve
[hugged]: leah
[kissed]: =)
[you instant messaged]: lance
[you laughed with]: ashley
d o y o u // a r e y o u
[smoke cigarettes]: hecks no
[obsessive]: no
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: 246
[what's your favorite food?]: pizza...taco bell..subway
[what’s your favorite fruit?]: apples
[drink alcohol?]: ha sometimes.
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: sunsets
[what hurts the most?]: my calves from dancing alllll weekend
[trust others way too easily?]: nope...i only trust a few people.
n u m b e r
[of times I have had my heart broken? ]: idk
[of hearts u have broken?]: a couple maybe. ?
[of continents I have lived on]: 1
[of drugs taken illegally?]: ZERO
[of cd's that I own?:] way too many
[of scars on my body ?]: idk too many to count
[regrets?]: none
p i c k o n e
[CATS OR DOGS]: dogs AND cats
[1 PILLOW OR 2]: 1
[W/ OR W/O ICE CUBES]: crushed..good choice
[WINTER/SPRING/SUMMER/FALL]: oh boy...probly summer and fall.
[NIGHT OR DAY:] night definitely
[GLOVES OR MITTENS:] lol either
[BUNK OR WATER BED:] waaater bed. comfy =)
[OCEAN OR POOL:] ocean
[LOVE OR LUST:] love
i f y o u c o u l d
[Move anywhere:] MISSISSIPPI..L.A..... or Florida
[Meet one famous person:] Adam Sandler
[Live with one person the rest of your life:] sarah
[Name one thing that embarrasses you:] my toes. =)
[Name one thing you love:] dancing. road trips.
[Do you like school?] only to see people
[Do you like to talk on the telephone?] yeah, only to certain
[Do you like to dance?] OF COURSE MAN.
[Do you sing in the shower?] yeaaah, the little mermaid song
[What's on your ceiling?]lights.
[nicknames ]: missippi, chels
[ good student ]: yeah. i have to be.
[ eyes ]: i would have aqua eyes if it were up to me
[ shoe size ]: mines 7 in half
and another..
x.last time you.x
[ had a nightmare ]: dont remember
[said "i love you" and meant it ]: everytime i say it.
[ ate at mcdonald's ]: last friday morning.
[ dyed your hair ]: last year.
[ brushed your hair ]: a little while ago.
[ Washed your hair ]: this morning
[ checked your e-mail ]: 2 months ago
[ cried ]: a couple weeks ago
[ called someone ]: few min ago
[ laughed ]: few seconds ago
[ talked to an ex ]: a few min ago you.x
[ smoke? ]: nooo
[ do drugs? ]: nooo
[ have sex? ] nope
[ sleep with stuffed animals? ]: yeah every night
[ have a dream that keeps coming back? ]: used to
[ play an instrument? ]: used to play the clarinet
[ believe there is life on other planets? ]: used to when i was little ha
[ remember your first love? ]: well, no ha dont think ive had one yet.
[ still love him/her? ]: nope
[ read the newspaper? ]: sometimes
[ have any straight friends? ]: uuh all of them.
[ consider love a mistake? ]: nope
[ like the taste of alcohol? ]: ehh..idk.
[ believe in god? ]: yes.
[ go to church? ]: yes.
[ have any secrets? ]: yes.
[ have any pets? ]: Jim and Roxy : )-
[ talk to strangers who instant message you? ]: one time i did.
[ wear hats? ]: i love hats.
[ have any piercings? ]: 3
[ have any tattoos? ]: not yet
[ hate yourself? ]: nooo.
[ have an obsession? ]: no
[ have a secret crush?: ehh...idk if its a secret.
[ collect anything? ]: yeah bottles.
[ have a best friend? ]: sarah.
[ like your handwriting? ]: sometimes.
[ have any bad habits? ]: being too nice
[ care about looks? ]: sometimes.
[ believe in witches? ]: no
[ believe in satan? ]: haha no
[ believe in ghosts? ]:not exactly
[ dress ]: sweats and tshirt
[ mood ]: im happy
[ music ]: eye of the tiger
[ Hair ]: its down surprisingly
[ annoyance]: not annoyed
[ smell ]: house
[ thought ]: i have a dumb marketing test
[ book ]: none
[ fingernail color ]: clear
[ Refreshment ]: water
[ worry ]: I have a test
[ Favorite Celebrity ]: adam sandler, johnny depp, tom cruise, rachel mcadams, brittany murphy, jessica alba.
x.last person.x
[ you touched ]: tay
[ you talked to ]: ashley
[ you hugged ]: leah
[ you Instant Messaged ]: lance
[ you yelled at ]: leah haha in the hallway
[ you had a crush on ]: ooh boy.
[ who broke your heart ]: yeah. =)
[ kissed ]: =)
Who do you want to?
[ kill ]: ha no
[slap]: retarded people
[talk to]: anyone
[ be like ]: nobody else but me