dear diary: EVERYTHING! minus lots.
Abigail Solomon-Godeau talked to my class today and reminded us that we are all marked.
By which she means who we are is informed by mucho circumstance.
Funny, she echoed an idea that we had heard Sharon Hayes talk about the week before.
Hayes recommended that we
situate ourselves in a moment
(your) place
(your) time
(your everything else: gender, class, race, sexuality, age, butt size, etc.)
Between Hayes and Godeau my beau and I hit our half-year.
We spent it doing the thing we did a lot of in the first weeks we met; we wandered.
Afterwards we ate Salvadorian food and then went home and made out.
I try to be quiet during sex, because of the roommates,
but luckily my roommates don't care that much
because I fail. Noise, sex ... weird.
I guess I even think about being quiet (until the point where I stop thinking)
because I have no desire to hear my roommates going at it.
Why is it that sex is fun to have, but verges on gross-to-silly to listen to?
Why am I writing about it? Sorry.
I'm a little bit brain-fried.
I love teaching, but by the end of the day I'm used up. No problem.
Tomorrow I go with a friend to Los Angeles. A nice long drive
with some inevitable napping en route. When we arrive, we go to LACE
where Tadd Beck and Jennifer Locke have new work.
I'm not even sure where I'll be sleeping yet once I'm there,
and I wish Josh was coming with me (he has to work) ... nonetheless,
I'm looking forward to a couple of days out of my routine, which has gotten intense:
Some of it's good (drawing, planning, research, school-stuff, exercise,
small jobs), but I need a break.
a break, a camera, landscapes and interiors.