Oct 25, 2003 05:20
I'm trying to think of something to type about but I'm really drawing a blank so I'll just write about all of the people here I've met thus far...
First there's my family members...
DANA - sister
JOE - Dana's husband
JADE - oldest niece (11)
JACQUE - Middle niece (8)
HOPE - Youngest niece (3)
JOEY - Only Nephew (1 1/2)
KIM: A manipulative bitch who weighs about 300 pounds. She talks shit about April behind her back and then is nice to her to her face. I'm sure she talks crap about me and my sister behind our backs too and I really despise her however my sister, for some reason or another, has yet to just tell her off and be done with it.
CHRIS: Kim's husband. He can be be a little bit of an ass kisser at times but over all I think that he's a pretty nice guy. He even bought me a soda at the halloween party when I told April I was about to keel over and die from lack of caffeine and that was very cool of him :)
BRADLEY: Kim and Chris' oldest son. Bradley is friends with Jacque and they're on the same soccer team. He's a pretty okay kid most of the time however he does tend to pout every once in a while.
COLLIN: Kim and Chris' middle child. Collin is hellspawn I swear. This kid should be voted most likely to become a serial killer. He's only four and he's already tried to kill his younger brother 3 times by strangling him. Once with a coat hanger and twice with his hands. This kid is nuts.
NOAH: Kim and Chris' youngest. This kid is too quiet and he's is three months older than Joey and can barely talk. This is the kid that Collin has tried to kill so many times.
APRIL: Is ubercool and the person that I do the most stuff with (besides my sister that is. April and I are a lot alike and we have a lot of fun together. It's weird because I instantly trusted her enough to tell her things that it takes years for me to tell most people, if I ever tell them at all. April is really awesome and we like to get drunk. Even though April IS married she's only 20. April and I have yet to go 2 days with out talking to each other since we met. If April doesn't call Dana says 'how come April didn't call' and everyone is shocked. Usually if we don't talk it's cuz one or the other isn't at home. April is really blunt and she's herself no matter what other people think. That's hard to find here and I think that's one of the things I like most about her.
PAUL: Is April's husband. Paul is really nice and though I don't know him as well as I know April since April and I hang out all day while he's at work I still like him a bunch. Paul is really funny... he listens to rap music but I guess that is forgivable. He and April and I do a lot of stuff together on the weekends and sometimes I feel bad for him since he always has to drive but he doesn't ever complain and I'm pretty sure he likes hanging out with us, especially when alcohol is involved :)
MIKE: One of Paul's friends that we go out with sometimes. Mike is really nice and completely hillarious. He and Paul are even more funny when they're drunk. Mike also makes AWESOME barbequed chicken.
CHICA: Is Mike's wife. Her real name is Chicaco (she's Japanese) but no one really calls her that. Chica is really nice but a little shy I think. I like her though and it's cool to have someone who actually knows what they're doing and can speak fluent Japanese with us when we go out clubbing.
NASH: Nice guy who works for Joe. His first name is Adam but for some reason in the military people mostly call each other by their last names. Nash is really funny and he loves making fun of Jacque.
PAM: Is a very nice lady but Kim totally takes advantage of her. I feel bad for her because she's too nice to tell Kim to fuck off.
DANIELLE: Is a Very nice lady is who is very fun to be around when she's drunk. She has two really cute little kids who's names I don't remember but she's a nice lady... one of Kim's previous victims who told Kim to cut the crap.
BUDDY: Paul and April's Golden Retriever that used to be Dana's until she gave him to them because he was too big for her with 4 kids.
SHA: The Place where we live.
ZAMA: The Actual base. It's about 5 minutes away from SHA.
THE HUB: A Bar in Machida that all the American's go to for some reason. If you've seen Jackass the movie you've seen The Hub we go to.
VENITA: One of Jade's friends who is older than Jade by a year.
WHITNEY: Jade's Ex-friend who still stalks Jade whenever she sees her.
KELSEY: The Commander's daughter, a royal pain in the ass.
KYLIE: The Nieghbor. A nice girl who's 15 I think and comes over to hang with Jade sometimes.
MOLLY: Jade's friend
DEANNE: Jade's Friend
ALEXA: Jacque's friend