Ninety-Third Explosion

Apr 24, 2010 15:13

[Voice // Public]

[To start, there's a bit of clearing of his throat. He pauses before going on without abandon-] Alright! Some, many, of you will have by now witnesses out recent advertising campaign by now, correct? [Referring to Mikage and Naoki] That is to say, the famed SOS-Brigade! Many of you have been now seen the flier that my secretary produced, and as such there is no obligation to give us any introduction even for the ignorant, but in favor of those who might not be able to read, I shall generously provide one anyway-

We, the Spreading Excitement All Over the World with Haruki Suzumiya Brigade come to you with a simple but eloquent purpose! Namely, the SOS-Brigade is looking into the mysteries of this world! People who have experienced something mysterious in the past, have experienced something mysterious recently, or who plan on a mysterious experience in the near future should come to the SOS Brigade for them be solved! This offer stands open to any of you! It is impossible to miss out HQ in the square of town, so step forward there if you have such a mystery for us to look into! After all, such a think is necessary in order to ensure that people live a worthwhile life.

Besides this, after seeing out operations I'm sure that many of you are eager to join up, right?! Well, those of you are are, please step forward now! This includes any that saw the fliers, any who desire a greater point in existence, and you too Garnet! Speak up!

[SIDEBAR: If you character is expressing interest in joining the Brigade I have given certain characters free reign to come in and "question" them about their goals in relation to the Brigade and such, so there might be some threadjack by those ones. If you're really not okay with this for some reason please just say so in the initial comment or something]

[Voice // Filtered Adell, Usopp, and Hugo // 85% Unhackable]

Adell. Hugo. [Rohan was ruled out, and those other ones won't do, right? Vash is that broom and he thinks he heard something happened to that guy... maybe. Either way, he's a broom. The other two are pirates so- oh fine he'll throw a bone to one of them-] Usopp too. I need to talk to the three of you about something of paramount importance.

[Voice // Filtered to Winry // 60% Unhackable]

...Oi, Winry. How's your arm? [He had said that they were going to start planting now/soon, after all, but if her arm's too busted up then there might not be a point, right? She couldn't enjoy it... He's already gotten the materials needed, of course, but-

And for the record Haruki is affected, it's just not in this post itself. In the threads his thoughts will be signified with red brackets.

EDIT:] [Voice // Public]

Oh and old blue guy! Catherine! I got something I wanna talk to you about!

@gold, *keiichi, @usagi tsukino, *kaito, @bil (npc), *ty lee, *katie mccoy, *usopp, *sokka, *naoki, *sabrina, *joshua, @dizzy, *leon (star ocean), *isamu, *miu, @hugo, @adell, *yuzu, *uriko, *merlin, *hinata, *winry

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