Sixth Explosion

Jun 07, 2008 00:36

[Group Filter: SOS-Brigade // 50% Unhackable]
[Members: Haruki Suzumiya, Kyonko, Excellen Browning, Itsuki Koizumi, Rue, Leon D.S. Geeste, Bunny Tsukino, Rena Ryuuguu, Ritsuka Aoyagi, Ahiru]


Alright! Members of the SOS-Brigade, I have decided on appropriate positions for the festival we're planning to great in the name of the glorious SOS-Brigade! The positions will be as follows, and there will be no protest about them, understood?! And jeez, why did Kotori need to go and vanish? She was useful...

Haruki Suzumiya -- Divine Overlord // Plan-Master // Universal Final Say
Ahiru -- Project Manager // Vice-Chief
Rena -- Game Master (GM)
Koizumi, Bunny, Kyonko, and Rue -- Henchmen // Laborers // Other Menial Tasks
Excel -- Moral Support // Assistant Henchman
Leo-Kitty -- Entertainment // Mascots
Ritsu-Kitty -- Photographer // Record Keeper

Now that this important announcement is out of the way, I would like to announce another important happening in the existence of the SOS-Brigade! We will, later this week, have our first notable retreat in order to rest up for our time of preparing this festival and spreading the name of the SOS-Brigade, and fun, to Luceti! Thus, we will be going to the lake in the forest for a swimming and camping experience! I fully expect all members to find swimsuits, but if you find yourself in need of on, consult Bunny! She's been put in charge of making sure everyone has proper attire!

Kyonko, you're in charge of preparing the food for this retreat! Make sure it's good. Rue, Rena, and Excel, you're in charge of gathering the various supplies we might need, like firewood, tents, roasting sticks, so on. Koizumi, you help out those ones, but you're also in charge of making sure we have a safe path through the forest to get to there! Figure it our or something. Understood? Good!

I expect that this will be a fun experience for us as a brigade, and ensure further fun events in the future! ...Oh, and Leo-Kitty and Ritsu-Kitty, I need you two to check in at House #10 so that we can prepare you two for your role in the festival.


And jeez, geezer Senel! Is that hair getting to your head and making you senile or something? I asked you a question before. It's a simple one too. Are you going to teach me how to fight properly yet or not?! The least you could do is give an answer!

Oh... and is anyone familiar with this 'Filial Magic' stuff? I've been trying to work it out, but someone showing me the theory behind it would mean I'll learn it that much faster! I'd really appreciate the assistance!

Also, citizens of Luceti, expect something amazing soon!

Oh, right...

[Filtered to Kyonko // 75% Unhackable]

I'm handling dinner tonight, but don't think that's and excuse to be lazy and do nothing! Which you probably already are...

*rena, *senel, no u, the best overlord, ahiru, senel, cooking for once, @ahiru, excellen, *kei takishima, get them swimsuits, no more delays, kyonko, *leon (star ocean), lol too many tags, the kitties, @gojyo sha, lake retreat, *ritsuka, *rue, @dr. drakken, @excellen browning, going camping, rue, rena, @kyonko, teach me g'dammit, my minions, gunna take pictures, being nice?

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