Fifty-Fifth Explosion

Aug 22, 2009 17:27

[Voiced // Action]

[Haruki here sounds so, so, so, tired and beat up in general here, but he's going to all the same be staggering back into town after being lost alone in the woods and/or mountains for the last whatever, likely the last two days seeing as how he recalls things "finishing" on the 20th. In his hand he's got a journal-made photograph of Leon (the one from Star Ocean 2) and he's got himself covered in various cuts/bruises.

He's also got his spare arm holding his side, which still really smarts As the same, as he stops to pick up his journal (which he dropped hap-hazardly into a little hole in one of the trees two days ago, he's going to give a pained by triumphant whoop into it when he activates the voice]

Mission accomplished! Hah! ...SOS-Brigade, we're having a special meeting tomorrow. A celebration at Seventh Heaven and no one is allowed to not short. Ellise, we'll do the contest there. Bunny, if you could pick me up at the forest that would be great, I think I'm right by that barracks.

[Grunt, and then a light thud as he leans against the tree he's been talking at here. This hurts a lot more than he thought and more importantly, he's really hungry, haven not eaten properly for the last few days. Still, he's smiling]

Oh, and did anyone lose a gun that won't shoot? I found one.

Shion! Al! You better not have skimped on the penalty just because I wasn't around! ...Rena, I hope you kept them in line!

[He's going to grunt here... and then slide onto his butt. Sleep is good, yes. Or at least rest]

(( OOC: I KNOW THE PLOT HAS BEEN SO HOPELESSLY BACKDATED but here is what Yami and Ty and I decided- the plot will have been going on from the 12th to the 20th Neku and Haruki would be running all over Luceti (village and out of it) doing various tasks. As there wasn't any sort of time and such due to various reasons none of this sadly worked with anyone else. The big event was on the 20th, and Yami and I will be doing an AIM log of it to be posted later today or tomorrow. Haruki's been lost in the woods for the last two days (explanation to bet gotten in the log to come) and I assume Neku and Shiki are home by now but Shiki would be knocked out and mal-nurished probably (so not have told anyone she's back sans Rena who lives there) and Neku would be tired and wouldn't give to many people heads-up anyway. As to Minamimoto, I'll b PMing Higashizawa's player about that. ))

*patchouli, ellise's dare, @usagi tsukino, *kaito, *tifa, minamimoto is an asshole, sigh, *shion, *tear, @elise lewin, *musette, sos my hand, bunny get on over here, @atsuro kihara, *minato, sleep is good, rena you better do your job, minato's evoker, mission accomplished, *shinpachi, *rika, *yuzu, this is tiring, *uriko, *yuzuriha, @hayato gokudera, *makoto, sos-brigade, sigh to the max, *winry

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