Forty-Ninth Explosion

Jul 22, 2009 22:01

[Private // Written // 75% unhackable]

...A month. Since when it one month of summer this long? Jeez. Why does love have to suck so much? ...Dammit.

...It's gotten easier to admit.

[Public // Written]

ALRIGHT! Luceti! The SOS-Brigade is officially seeking all robots! And anyone that can use something that makes non-instrumental music! We need them for a karaoke event! I expect the best!

Oh... and you all told that one chick you want a bit of class, right?! Well the SOS-Brigade is going to put on a play real soon now! We're going to put on a A Journey to the West! We're going to put an effort into that so expect a fantastic show!

...Oh. And any of you that have amazing super-powers or come from cool worlds or something, I wanna talk to you now. Right now! Really, if you have done any cool stuff in your life or are from a cool world I want you to talk to me!

[And then there's a scribble here, before he gets to the next part...]

Anyway, I'm going swimming tomorrow. SOS-Brigade, everyone else! I expect you all to come with me! And all the girls better be wearing bikinis! There's no beach but it's summer and swimming in the summer means bikinis! Got it?!

AND MORE IMPORTANTLY: You all saw Hanyuu's plan, right?! Well we're doing that tonight! No objections! We're all going to catch fireflys and whoever gets the most gets to be Brigade Chief for a day tomorrow! I expect you all to be there! Failure to show up to the SOS-Brigade's Super Firefly Hunt will result in a penalty!

Oi, Shion. How're you settling in and stuff? Winry, you too. Need any more help on that automail stuff?

[Filtered to Uriko // Written //75% Unhackable]

...Oi. Uriko. Let's talk.

[Filtered to Yuzuriha // Written //75% Unhackable]

Hey, Yuzu. ...You doing okay there?

[Filtered to Guy // Written //75% Unhackable]

Hey! Guy! ...Imma come to the bar. If that's okay.

[OKAY SO OOC TIME GUYS: Do you guys want to play out the firefly hunt? If so, I'll make a thread in this post for everyone to threadjack all over in to do it in. Otherwise, we can assume it. Up to you Brigaders]

@atoli, *rena, *mitsuru (p3), @usagi tsukino, @guy cecil, @dist the reaper, *shiki, @kaito, *shion, *tear, *lute, *minato, *seth, @celes chere, @arche klein, *nikki, *kohaku, *shinpachi, *natalia, *yuzu, *taichi, @hanyuu, *uriko, i'm too lazy to make tags for once, *yuzuriha, @hayato gokudera, *rosalie, @istara, *souji, *winry

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