Hello finals week...

May 08, 2011 01:05

 ...Ah, how I've missed you. Tomorrow the university library begins their week-long stint of being open 24 hours a day. I remember last semester how I spent two nights there (a total of 25 hours) working on a series of essays and studying. Luckily I only have one essay to write this semester. As far as studying goes, I'm currently studying for American and Texas Government (while putting a dent in a freshly bought 12pack of Blue Moon). And why not? Hell, this country was founded inside of Boston taverns. So yeah. Why not? Tomorrow night I'm having some of my classmates from Arabic class over for a review (and to finish off the 12pack).

The essay I have to complete by Thursday is on how colonialism, technology, and tourism has affected music in Egypt, Bali, and China. Luckily this isn't like the research paper I did earlier in the semester. Unlike the research paper, this essay only requires that I draw on the texts from class. I don't get to procrastinate on it however since Suzie and I are sharing those texts. I get the joy of writing the essay first. My research paper from earlier in the semester was fascinating to research. I wrote it (and made a presentation) on traditional Palestinian music found at Palestinian weddings. I might decide to post it for shits and giggles.

I had asked my boss for some time off during finals week. While I am scheduled to close the night before my Government and Religions finals, I have 6 days off after that. It's not exactly what I had planned on but I will have to deal. Last night I left him a note explaining my situation over the summer. Basically, I'm going to night school during both summer sessions plus I've applied for a tutoring position at an Arabic language summer camp for high school students interested in the program at UTEP. We'll see how he reacts to my limited availability.

I want to leave with a quote (completely unrelated to this post) that Suzie shared with me the other day. It has quickly become one of my favorites.

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
~ Stephen Roberts

school, work, suzie

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