Nov 06, 2005 18:02
Another weekend has ended unsuccessfully. I caught a contact high off my dads pot dealer, looked at his truck and played with guns. I can't say it's something I do but it's better then nothing I'm thinking. I met a wicked cool new friend on the satanic cult called MySpace. I will refrain from names though because everytime I mention names that person hates me 3 hours later and I feel stupid. But tall chicks rule. Anyways. Went to see H.I.M., Skindred & Finch Friday night. That was a tragic joke. The people I was supposed to meet up with stood me up of course. I saw a few people I knew there that avoided me I think. Too bad I'm not all beautiful like them or whatever. But fuck it. It took 3 hours to get to Fort Lauderdale and an hour and 35 to get home. I hate traffic. The show was a waste of gas and money if you ask me but it had to be better then sitting home. Now I'm completely broke once again until next Friday. Damned 231 dollar electric bills. I just feel like ranting for no apparent reason about nothing important right now. My phone is starting to work again slowly. So there had to be some positive to this weekend. I have 6 hour old dishes because I'm being very fucking lazy and I'd rather be sitting here. My puppy is being a bitch as of late. She's starting to listen though. I'm having mixed emotions on cancelling my website now. I got 2.8 MB of traffic all last month but already 18 this month so I don't know how that's happening. Maybe someone is streaming porn on my site and I don't know it. Well fuck it I'm out. New Family Guy tonight.