We're now well into 2004 and as we were still on the way to where we are now, I posted a question, more a request really. A number of you answered it and I enjoyed conversing with you, however briefly in some cases. That said, I did run into a few negative reactions. To understand this you should know, in case you were to check the comments of this last post, that I posted that request to multiple communities. I wanted as broad a base to go from as posible, to reach as many as would care to respond. Some of those communities were:
interfaith_talkcatholicismlunatic_cafepaganexchristiansatheismagnosticismgodandmagicchallenging_godrq_version2 There were a few others but no one there responded as yet. I mention these in case you wish to see what others asked and to share a concern in one of these communities. Not surprisingly, the source was the catholics. I say this because they often seem to me, and many others I know, as being the least flexible order of all the others. This isn't to say they are the worst because such a term I do not feel should be applied to such a situation but there are some significant issues. Noticably in the following threads:
http://www.livejournal.com/community/catholicism/459163.html?thread=4357019#t4357019&style=mine *
http://www.livejournal.com/community/catholicism/459163.html?thread=4360347#t4360347&style=mine In the first I was referred to as heretical, called a lunatic, accused of commiting a mortal sin, and assaulted with very bad grammar & sentence structure. Yes, I do make the occasional typo but at least my stuff makes sense when you speak it out loud. As to the other points, I say the following; if I truly am God, the specific deity that I claim to be, then what's the harm? Hey, even if I'm not still no harm...though I am. Religions are built around gods, not the other way around; rare cases where there wasn't an actual god involved notwithstanding. Now, I understand that the word heretic literally translates to anything contrary to the teachings of a church and in that I suppose I am one but who's fault is that? Certainly not mine; I didn't make the church. As to being a lunatic...I have been around a really long time, I suppose that it's not entirely impossible; let's hope not. And how does one commit a mortal sin when they're not mortal?
There were more but I hate to nitpick.
In the 2nd I was accused of being the Devil. That just hurt.
The moderator of that community got in touch with me and told me how it was taken and had decided not to delete the post despite a number of complaints that had been received. It was presented to me that I was viewed in a satirical sense and that was my only saving grace. I thanked the moderator and went on my way.