(no subject)

Apr 10, 2005 16:49

well last night was kinda ok... i went to my sisters house at 1. and i was trying to be really random in talking about baking flowers.... believe me you..... sun+tin foil+purple flowers does not = baked purple flowers. i tried for a half hour. but we left my sisters house at 5:30 to walk to o'neils house.. we got there and it turns out that he went to meet us.. we didn't walk over the hill and he did so we didnt run into eachother. well we walked back up to the hill and waited for any signs of o'neil... we found him...walked back to his house and his dad drove me my sis o'neil and alex up to the theater. well we were there early... so we sat out side. then when we got in we still had like 2 hours till the first band went on. so i just walked around and went in the smoking room with my sister to see who all was there. and when we were in the lobby part Alyssa Sayde walked in... by the way... I LOVE YOUR NEON ORANGE CONS!!.. and we gave eachother a hug and it was just awsome. i'm glad that we are cool. but any way... about 15 minutes later we went back in to the smoking room and correy lassen (this kid who hated me when i was "putting moe through hell") came up to me and was being all friendly. and i was like "didn't you want to kick my ass" and he said "yeah i used to but then moe found someone new so i don't care any more" so me and correy are officaly cool again. and then i spotted moe... emideatly i left the smoking room. i wasn't going to stay there. well..... danes band went on and he had MILDRED on his guitar.... mildred is this doll head that i ripped off an old doll and colored all over it and cut its hair and dane and andy put some of their own little stuff on it and put a blue blinking light in it's eye that dane previously stabbed out.... but i was like oh my god!!! and i was like it's mine and danes baby!! (i used to be in love with dane and i was when we declared that mildred was our child)....(no... we never did go out)...(cause of moe).... but later on that night sammy garcia started talking to me.. and i was like oh my god the sexy mexican is my friend again. so we spent the rest of the night catching up. and boy did my little sister get jealous. she and her boyfriend o'neil were hanging out and she wanted sammy. i was like.... uhhhh.... i don't think he want's you or likes you like that anymore. (they went out in 5th grade). so i just hung out with him the whole time. and it was pretty cool. i missed sammy and correy so much. like... i almost cried when they started talking to me again. buttttt....... lets seeee.... Corpsal was there and i love the basist. he is the hottest guy on the face of this fucking planet!!! (*bad memorie* me and moe made out hard core to them the first time we saw them *angry confused bad memorie face*) last night he had the back of this hair in little spikes the front was in front of his face... he had on heavy dark black make up on, this black shirt and tons of braclettes an awsome grayish brown skirt (he is one of the few guys in this world that can get away with wearing a skirt) and these weird ass platform shoes. and for a little while she was wearing this silver crown lol. he was so adorible. but... we left at 11:50 and got home at 12. i crashed there... we were tired but we stayed up.... i have been up for 28 hours and 7 minutes. and i think alex has too... ginny and o'neil fell asleep. what the hell kinda shit is that?! (we snuck up to alex's room at 3:20... and stood by his bedroom door listening to them talk for 5 minutes. but.... uhh... i think it was 6:45ish we snuck back into ginnys room and she fell asleep AGAIN! i tried but couldn't. then at...... 2 alex left for georges house... i left at 3:40... and got home at 3:50ish. i hope to hang out with alex again sometime after i get home from flordia. cause it was awsome yesterday... tomorrow i have no clue who i am hanging out with... prolly chris at 3:10ish then i will go home at like 7. and call stevie and hang out with him until about 9:30ish. cause in two days i fucking leave for flordia (for the choir) and i'm going to miss them... and i dunno it seemed like everytime i turned around moe and her new girlfriend were right there either hanging all over one an other or making out... i was like.... what ever. i have someone too... they're just not here... if she would have even introduced me i prolly would have flipped. and for some reason i got this vibe that she was trying to make me jealous or something... and if she was... it DEFINANTLY DID NOT WORK. but i'm going to go......

so much for the short update i thought i was do..

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