Nov 09, 2008 15:45
August Totals: 5 books ( 1233 pgs)
YTD : 25 Books (7942 pgs)
Departures by Lorna J. Cook (242 pgs),
The Easy Way to Quit Smoking by Allen Carr (218 pgs),
The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories by Tim Burton (128 pgs)
Beast by Donna Jo Napoli (256 pgs)
The Other Woman by Jane Green (389 pgs)
I really enjoyed The Other Woman. I could definately relate to the mother-in-law relationship! Beast was a retelling of the beauty and the beast story from the beast's perspective and explored a theory on how he became the beast. Since I love Beauty and the Beast, I put this book in the keeper pile too. The quit smoking book is a good reference, and I would recommend it to anyone who is thinking about quitting. It will help put you in the right mindset to quit, and once you quit keep it close bc you will need to read it again! The other two books I didn't care for too much, so I don't have much to say about them.
September Totals: 8 books ( 4888 pgs)
YTD : 33 Books (12830 pgs)
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer (498 pgs)
New Moon by Stephanie Meyer (563 pgs)
Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer (629 pgs)
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer (754 pgs)
I LOVED this series (and as you can see by the totals I read the whole series twice within about 2 weeks)! I can't wait for the movie to come out. Everyone mark your calendars... Twilight opens 11.21!!!!
October Totals: 2 books ( 1165 pgs)
YTD : 35 Books (13995 pgs)
Eragon by Christopher Paolini (497 pgs)
Eldest by Christopher Paolini (668 pgs)
These were both rereads. The 3rd one came out so I wanted to read these two to refresh my memory. They are fun fantasy books, but I was very disappointed in the Eragon movie. I hope the 4th book comes out soon, I can't wait to see what happens!
I have met the goal I set at the beginning of the year to read 10% more that I read last year! WooHOO! Of course being unemployeed for 5 months certainly gave me enough time to read.
book list