Aug 08, 2005 17:02
It's depressing to go through all the awards and bursaries available at your school and see that 90% of them are for the faculties of medicine, law, business, nursing and education. Can we lowly undergrads have some money too, please? Just a bit? Maybe even let the music students have a taste of all that cash you're shelling out to people who're going to be rich anyways. Yes, I'm bitter, and I'm only on the ones that start with E. F-Z don't look much more promising, really, but it's worth slogging through page after page if I can get some money out of it.
In other news, money sucks and I hate it. Also, never take a job over the summer that isn't guaranteed to last all 4 months, or you'll end up scraping to pay rent. At least I'll probably be able to avoid more debt.
Edit: WTF? There are at least 2 different awards for organ majors, and we've only got one in the faculty right now. Bloody hell.