Jan 24, 2005 00:53

So, I've been getting really into wine over the last few months - I'm not sure exactly how it started. My friend brought over a bottle of Yellow Tail Shiraz one night, and I was like WHOAZ. Previously I thought wine tasted like ass, but I just realized I had had bad wine. Since then I've been experimenting quite a lot with different kinds of wines, seeing what tastes like what, what works with what dishes. Its just fun and amazing - plus its a great way justifying alcohol consumption. You're viewed as cultured instead of a total drunk!

Anyway, the point of this entry is, I want to start keeping a log here of what I like and what I don't like, so I can remember for the future. There are so many different kinds that I'm already forgetting.

Yellow Tail (Shiraz) [Australia] 2003 - this was the first wine I really got into and still probably my favorite. Its got a good aroma and the finish isn't too bad. The flavor isn't too complex, but I think its pretty crisp and good. Overall I really like this one.

Turning Leaf (Cabernet Sauvignon) [California] 2002 Reserve - I was really let down by this one, I'm wondering if its just the vineyard or maybe even the bottle I got. I've heard such good things about Carbernets, but there was something about this one that rubbed me the wrong way. The aroma was great, and when I first started drinking it there was absolutely no finish, which was weird. At first I was happy, as in general a bitter aftertaste turns me off wine (unless the flavor is really complex and rich). But then as I drank more, this awful bitterness came out of nowhere and just got worse and worse. It gave me horrible heartburn, all in all I was not pleased with it. I'm going to give Cabernet another chance with a different vineyard, something not in the US perhaps.

Mirassou (Pinot Noir) [California] 2003 - This was a pleasant surprise - at first I was apprehensive about buying this one, there weren't many Pinot Noir's on the shelf and I wasn't quite sure why, I thought perhaps it wasn't a very good wine and people didn't buy it much. Later I read that Pinot Noir grapes are very difficult to grow and accordingly the amount of wine compared to others is small. Anyway - I'm glad I got it, from my small experience with it, it seems to have about the same finish as Shiraz, but its got a little more complexity to it, a hint of something more fruity. After reading the back (just now) its got hints of cherry and plum which makes sense. After it breathes a bit its a really good wine. I want to try more Pinot Noirs.

Beringer (White Zinfandel) [California] 2003 - Hurray for Rose! This was one hell of a sweet wine (sugary sweet), I would almost call it a dessert wine, though the label only mentions main dishes. Its brightly crisp, its made with strawberries, and you can really taste it. This one was kind of dangerous, it has a lower alcohol content, but its just so sugary with little acidity that you go through the whole thing without realizing it. Most reds I would drink by themselves with friends, but this one I would probably only serve with food in the future, its just too sweet and "empty" by itself, I think.

I had a Merlot I drank during New Years Eve (as well as a Champagne, more on that in a second) - I don't remember what vineyard the Merlot was, but I liked it. I don't remember much about it though, I'm going to get another one next time I'm at the store. The Champagne I got this year was a cheap (quality wise) one as there was nothing left, and I want to try a better one.

I want to become a TOTAL WINE SNOB and turn my nose up at everyone. Not really. I just think wine is fun. MORE ON IT LATER.
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