Christmas cards...

Dec 15, 2008 15:30

...are in the post.

lilachigh--I mailed yours Friday...God help me, I'm behind on EVERYTHING right now, and the postman said it should arrive in about ten days. If he's right, you should get it JUST in time. *crosses fingers*

Everyone else: I sent yours on Saturday. Considering you lot are all continental U.S., I think I'm in the clear. *dances*


I love getting cards and letters and packages--and I love sending them, too. My hubby was smirking at me when I practically bounced back to the car from the post office after dropping everything off. Yes, email (and IM'ing, and LJ) are maddeningly faster than anything sent the old way, but isn't there something inherently more wonderful about opening your box and seeing all those colorful envelopes, stamps, and addresses from far-flung places? And knowing that my little cards will pass from hand to hand, crossing hundreds of miles (and an ocean, in one case!), to ultimately find themselves lying in a little metal box, waiting to be retrieved, read, and enjoyed? I get a little thrill from it.

Yes, I *am* easily amused--why do you ask? ;)


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