
May 06, 2008 15:40

This is a fairly complete list of all books I've read. It does not include most children's books that I've as a child, and a few other books that I read as a child (Encyclopedia Brown, Superfudge, Ralph the Motorcycle Mouse). However, most books that I read as a child, even book reports and required reading for school, I never really finished. So, here's the history:

1st grade - tested as an advanced reader and placed into the GATE (Gifted And Talented Education) program
1st/2nd grade - during family vacations, I would read my Mother's books in the car.

The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkein
The Sword of Shannara - Terry Brooks
The DragonRiders of Pern (Dragonflight ?) - Anne McCaffrey
The White Dragon - Anne McCaffrey
                 Inevitably, the vacation would end, and no longer being trapped in a car, I would stop reading the book. Except, I recall continuing to read the Sword of Shannara at home. I don't think I ever finished reading any of these books.

1983 to 1986 (2nd to 5th grade ?) - TSR (Dungeons & Dragons) came out with the Endless Quest books ( ) I collected and read all of these except #31, 33, and 34 (I think). These are choose-your-own adventure books.

1987 - started seriously collecting comic books, and only read comic books
1988-1990 - Jr. High - Did book reports on comic books. My English teacher in 8th grade wanted me to expand my horizons, so I read the first chapter of:

Interview With A Vampire - Anne Rice
The Vampire Lestat - Anne Rice
           I also read a few chapters of a book my dad got me as a gift:

The Comic Book Killer - Richard A. Lupoff

1990-2006 - I only read comic books. I did, however, read through several non-fiction books. I never read them from start to finish though. They included books on runes, mythology, religion, history, philosophy, psychology, and Osprey Press Books (Military History).... Books such as Jung, Norse Mythology, Irish Folktales, Mexican & Aztec Mythology, Freud, The Wars of Alexander the Great.

July, 2006 - Living in Downtown San Francisco, and having a job at the University of the Pacific, School of Dentistry, I had to take a bus to work. Partly encouraged by my girlfriend Dani, I started reading books to and from work. This is the only time I read books, except when I am reading story to Dani. Here's the list:

The Sword of Shannara - Terry Brooks - Jul/Aug 2006
The Elfstones of Shannara - Terry Brooks - Aug/Sep 2006
            *In Oct 2006, I was in Jail for two weeks and read A LOT. Below is a partial list.
Odd Thomas - Dean Koontz - Oct 2006
            *Out of jail, I no longer worked at the UoP. I lived and worked in SOMA and I no longer had a commute until February 2007, when I started work at San Francisco State University.
The Wishsong of Shannara - Terry Brooks - Feb 2007
Raberata - Robert Bisno - Mar 2007
The Histories - Herodotus (Only read Book VII Polymnia in preperation of the release of the "300" movie)
Moby Dick - Herman Melville - Apr 2007
The Scions of Shannara - Terry Brooks - May 2007
The Plumed Serpent - D.H. Lawrence - Jun 2007
The Epic of Gilgamesh (Penguin Books) - Jul 2007
Beowulf and Other Olde English Poems (Penguin Books) - Jul 2007
The 13th Warrior - Michael Crichton - Aug 2007
American Gods - Neil Gaiman - Sep 2007
The Phoenix Guards - Steven Brust - Oct 2007
             *In Oct 2007, I moved to 15 minutes from SFSU, significantly reducing my reading/commute time.
Dune - Frank Herbert - Nov/Dec 2007
Five Hundred Years After - Steven Brust - Jan/Feb 2008
The Paths of the Dead - Steven Brust - Mar/Apr 2008
The Lord of Castle Black - Steven Brust - May/Jun 2008
Sethra Lavode - Steven Brust - Jul/Aug 2008
A Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula K. LeGuin - Sep 2008
The Tombs of Atuan - Ursula K. LeGuin - finished 10/15/08
The Farthest Shore - Ursula K. LeGuin - 10/16/08-11/14/08
Tehanu - Ursula K. LeGuin - 11/17/08 to present
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman - 12/16/08-01/13/09 (3 1/2 stars)
Sandman: The Dream Hunters - Neil Gaiman with art by Yoshitaka Amano - 2/7-2/8/09 (3 stars)
Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman 01/14-02/27/09 (3 1/2 stars)
Star Trek: New Frontier: Missing In Action - Peter David 02/27/09-03/19/09 (2 1/2 stars)
Angel of Death - Jack Higgins 03/19/09-04/04/09 (3 stars)
First King of Shannara - Terry Brooks 04/06/09-05/05/09 (read up to chapter 21 - the book was due back at the library. I ordered through Amazon, and will finish when it arrives).

Dark Wraith of Shannara - Terry Brooks  05/06/09 to present (I haven't listed Graphic Novels before, but this one is a little different)

             *Around April 2008, I started reading the following e-book at work, thanks to
The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas - Apr'08 to present (spare time at work)


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