(no subject)

Dec 02, 2005 00:21

I'm quite bored right now so I figured I'd update...

Finals are fast approaching and I'm a teensy bit scared. Mostly because everyone keeps talking about how hard they are and how much studying they're gonna do in preparation. Gahh, I just hope I have enough will power to study my ace off!! I kinda got a slap in the face when I got my Calc midterm back on Monday. I got a D, a 68 percent to be exact. THAT IS VERY VERY BAD. But see, I'm in honors Calc for some unknown reason, so there is no curve, NONE WHATSOEVER. The geniouses in my class don't need a curve, they get freaking A++'s on their midterms!! Here's the kicker: in regular Calc, there is a curve, and a 68 would be an A. Goo. Why am I an idiot? I dunno. My D would be an A if I was smart and took regular Calc. (Actually my D would be an A if I had studied or done my homework too, but that's beside the point...well no, actually it is the point, that I need to study and do my hw, but anywho...) So yeah, that was a reality check, EARTH TO JILL: In college you have to study! I've never had to try this hard before to keep up my grades, it's really tough here ya know? I wasn't exactly prepared for how hard it is. But it's good that I realized this before finals, so that now I can get my butt in gear and work really hard to do well on the little devils.

Besides for the stress about that, life is goin pretty well. I don't wanna jynx it though; it's been nice the last few days. I started doing my homework, went to my gsi's office hours to get help on a paper, and I'm gonna do my best to keep stayin on top of things - it feels good when I get stuff done early. Next weekend I'm goin home to get a Christmas tree with my family! I'm excited, real trees are the only way to go. I'm sorry if you have a fake tree, I think fake trees are for communists. No offense. Then I'm goin home after my exam on Thursday morning (the 15th) then I gotta drag my ass back here to take my last exam Monday night (the 19th), then I'm home free!! Christmas break here I come!!! SO EXCITED! I'm looking forward to my hall's "secret non-denominational-gift-giving" thingy that we're doing! (Seriously, how politically correct is that? We couldn't even call it Secret Santa. That's liberal college nonsense for ya.) But yeah, it's cheesey, we have a $5 limit and we're supposed to kinda make something more or less, not buy something extravegant. (Extravegant? with $5? Psh, yeah right) So that'll spark my creativity gene I hope.

Well that's all for now. If you've got finals comin up soon, good luck. Adios muchachos!
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