
Oct 11, 2005 02:07

It's like 2 in the morning and I can't sleep! Mal and I need to chill out and quit getting so riled up before bedtime. Geez. Earlier today I was falling asleep in class; I couldn't wait for a nap...then I paid a visit to Espresso Royale and the rest is history...but still the caffiene must have worn off by now, it's just restlessness I guess.

Calc midterm tomorrow, first college exam ever! I studied tonight for like an hour and a half, that's probly the most studying I've ever done for math in my whole life. I hope I do really well on it. I like all my classes actually...a lot. Sociology has tunred out to be one of the most interesting classes I've ever taken, and my History of Writing class is pretty sweet too. Espanol is just my passion..that burns like a golden eagle, deep within my loins..but that's another story. Haha.

Fall study break is coming up! This weekend, Saturday after the football game I get to go home for 4 days!!! (til Tuesday) Woo Hoo!!! So if anyone is gonna be home or wants to come home, gimme a call so we can hang out! I miss all my friends from home. =( But I'll hopefully get to see some of them this weekend! I'm SOOO excited.

That's really all I have to say for now though.

Oh yeah, today has been a good day. I felt truly happy for the first time in a long time; I'm looking forward to things looking up. =)

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