(no subject)

Oct 04, 2005 12:53

It's funny how I asked for so much advice about my relationship before it was over, and how I got all the same responses: "Do what's best for you", "Do what makes you happy", "Don't stay with Josh if you're only doing it to make him happy". Where was the "You're a bitch Jill, you're messing with him and being a cunt and a selfish piece of shit" advice back then? Oh, that's right. All the people who feel that way were too cowardly to speak up then, just like they're still too cowardly to come to me now. I hardly count commenting on a livejournal as "speaking up" when you don't even leave your name. You are the selfish ones. You're all the ones who can't bear to let me know who you are so that I can stop being your friend. Why would I want to be friends with any of you that would say such terrible things about me?

If any of you TRULY knew me, you would know that I'm confrontational. I address problems. I talk and communicate with people about my feelings. I've never left annonymous comments on a livejournal. I'm a little more genuine than that. If I know that what I've got to say might hurt someone else, I don't hide behind an alias while pretending to be their friend. I'll tell them. Usually this ends up solving the problem anyway, because mature people can talk about issues and find a way to get thru them together, not blindly bashing someone just because you wanna throw your two-cents in.

Thank you to my real friends who stick up for me. Your friendship means so much to me, especially when I see how shady and selfish some of my other so called "friends" can be. It makes me appreciate my true friends even more. Trust me, if I ever find out who you annonymous people are, or that you're someone I considered a friend, when I let you know how I really feel about you, it won't be annonymous.
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