My Stuff
Blue-banded - Robin Hood (BBC), Marian/Guy, R.
break - Live Free Or Die Hard (Die Hard 4.0), Matt/Lucy, PG.
what this is - Eagle Eye, Jerry/Rachel, M.
the morning after/the night before - Blade:Trinity (post-film), Hannibal/Abby, R.
the same thing - Blade:Trinity, Hannibal/Abby, G.
She's A Waterfall - Invisible Man, gen, PG-13.
Rush - Invisible Man, Gen (Darien/Claire), R.
Sex With The Most Repressed Man in the Known Universe - SpidermanII, Peter/MJ, R.
one fantastic package - Primeval, Abby/Connor, PG-13.
a day in the life - Primeval, Abby/Connor, PG-13.
Nautical Kitsch - The Mentalist, character study (Jane), Lisbon's POV, PG-13.
so many armadillos - Iron Man Movieverse, Tony/Pepper, snark, PG-13.
Everything in whispers - Castle, Beckett/Castle angst, h-c, PG-13.
Lay down your burden - Castle, Beckett/Castle angst/sex, NC-17.
The Night Post - Twilight (yeah, I know, it's weird. this fic is weird.), Izzy(Bella)/Edward, AU, PG-13.
static - Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, John/Cameron (implied), mixed-text, post-S2, R.
watch little by little the night turn around - Merlin, Morgana/Arthur, R.
fugue in d - NCIS, Post-Twilight. Tony's POV, angst, PG.
sorry I don't regularly update
Lunch, and other obscenities - by Rheanna. Star Trek Reboot, Uhura (and Spock), PG-13.
The Twilight People - by Lalejandra. Harry Potter
Incarnate - by FayJay. Harry Potter
The Dare - by Mosylu. Harry Potter
A Most Unusual Student -by Alkari. Harry Potter
The Other Child - by Hecate. Dark Angel
Chain-Smoking Harry - by B.Bennett. Harry Potter
motion and the full sensation - by
bantha_fodder. Children of Dune, PG-13.
Newt - by
meyerlemon. Aliens, R.
Something - by Gemma Files. The Shield/Oz, R.
One Cannot Speak of Ice - by shrift. X-Men: movieverse, PG.
This Blood - by Gemma Files. Danica POV, excellent - R.
21 Short Fics About Abigail Whistler and Hannibal King - by Gale. Hannibal/Abby, before and after, R.
second guesses - by pen. Hannibal/Abby ficlet, (bantha-fodder rocks), G.