My Stuff
Oh boy. Most of this stuff encapsulates my earilest pathetic forays into fic. Be gentle.
Howzat? - Giles and Spike have a bonding moment My first Buffy fic eva. Gen, PG-13
The All Time Top Five - Buffy and Spike talk opera and, um, disco. Spuffy, gen, PG-13
Demons and Dharma - Spike crashes Buffy's yoga class but
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You don't know me, but I'm a huge fan of pretty much any/all BTVS/Angel fanfic I've ever found of yours. I have this inescapable compulsion to go back and reread "Black the Sun" and "To Make Much of Time" about twice a year. :) Kinda like how some people (myself included) make it a point to reread the LOTR trilogy on an annual basis.
So since I've got nothing better to do at work today, I figured I'd make my annual pilgrimage online to check out your stuff. Found "Black the Sun" in a number of places, and enjoyed it thoroughly, as usual. My real favorite, though, is "To Make Much of Time," is proving more stubborn. I knew that it had been removed from a while back, but now I can't find a complete copy of it ANYWHERE. Even the link you provided through this livejournal (to is nonfunctional, and I even searched that site manually for the story. I've found a couple places online where it's still posted, but in both places, it's incomplete--only the odd-numbered parts are posted (which, while I do know what happens in the missing bits, makes for a very frustrating and disjointed sort of reading experience).
I don't mean for this to be a complaint....after all, I think I printed a copy of your epic tale quite a while back, so I can just go home this evening and try to dig it out (assuming it didn't get lost in my last move, like a lot of my other things did...). But being an occasional fanfic author myself, I know that *I* would find it irritating if my work were being posted inaccurately or incompletely. Plus, even if I can't have the satisfaction of rereading "To Make Much of Time" right now, the dribs and drabs I have been able to revisit made me want to let you know yet again how awesome of a story it really is. Here's hoping your muse continues to inspire you in whatever fandom(s) you current enjoy! :)
Tallera (
P.S.- I saw you've gotten into the new BSG. I can't wait to see what you've been doing with that 'verse!! :D
*blushes* this is a lovely comment to get, and a useful one too. it's so weird, i posted TMMOT so long ago (2002, just before the birth of my second son), but it's still the one i get the most feedback for. i'm still getting over the fact that i basically wrote a novel - and all on the weekends!
as for the inaccessible, i'm hearin' you - i have just started posting the fic in its entirety at my LJ (that's at sangga, btw), as i have noticed that there's not really anyplace else to read it. i'm putting it up in stages, as it's taking a while to mark up and i only get online infrequently, but i should have all the chaps up within the next week or so, and then when it's complete i'll cross-post to this archive. the first chapter starts here. so thanks for the heads up, hope this arrangement suits you okay!
and yeah - after cutting my teeth on Buffy i started ranging over heaps of fandoms: i've written for BSG, Spooks, Miracles, Firefly and plenty of others. my current kink is Supernatural...hope you like the new stuff :)
cheers, and many thanks,
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