Jun 29, 2011 16:23
I don't want to find a new place to live. People came to look at the house the other day and one of the women said,"Oh you can leave one of the cats here, she loves cats." (Talking about her sister). And then goes into Lucy's room while she's sleeping and says something about how she wanted a second bedroom. It made me want to scream in her face that no, we aren't leaving. Not unless you buy the house and basically kick us out so you can live here. And the fucking realtor, the same realtor who's selling the old apartment, just walked right it while I was sitting on the couch, didn't bother to knock or anything. I am so sick of moving, of packing and unpacking, of reorganizing and moving furniture.
Anyway, my phone is fucked up. The screen is cracked on the inside, half the buttons on the front don't work but that doesn't matter since the 'ok' button doesn't work, so the front is useless. And to top it all off the phone shuts off all the time, if I close it too fast it shuts off, if I'm calling someone it shuts off, if I'm not doing anything with it, it still shuts off. I'm about ready to throw it in the river.
Lucy has been sleeping for almost three hours. It's been nice, although I've spent most of the time cleaning but at least it was quiet.