At uni for the first time in .... a year.

Apr 21, 2007 11:59

This is the first post from uni that I've made in a loooong time.... I'm at uni for an external weekend. Had to get up at 6.30 this morning. Bites.

So far so good... yesterday was my property law tutorial and the tutor was fully hot, so it was really enjoyable. The subject matter was also, in my opinion, very interesting - Native Title.

And this morning was my equity tutorial... we had to form groups and answer one of the tutorial questions, in letter form. Ie, we had to write to one of our 'clients', giving them advice on an allocated problem. Well, one member of my group had already completed the letter, so all our group did was play around with the wording a bit, fix a few areas up that were a bit ambigous, make sure we covered all the points of law and we were done. I hate groupwork, but if you get into a really really good group, it's fabulous. Especially when someone else has already done the work :P

But eh, I have my criminal law advocacy task in about an hour... which is what I've been dreading! I have to submit to the 'court' my case a prosecutor on an allocated problem. And I get asked questions. Questions! *cries*

Joseph was too sick to go to work today. He'd better go in tomorrow. He can't afford to not go in to work. *worried*.
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