okay so this is a much needed update from like fucking 2 months ago. i just was too lazy to write it.
anyway. these are from mad long agoish. or like a month or more ago i believe. lazyness tooooook over.
um apparently me and gina went for a walk in ellicot city one dayyyy
and in one of the stores a zombie pirate touched my penis :-x sike i didnt mind haha
and it looked preettttyyyyy
silly gina face on the phone.
then im gonna say gina was being lazy and taking a nap.
theeeeeeeeen mac came over like a month or two ago.
haha aw. my hair looks sillyyyy
Theeeeeeeeenone day juliaaa (aka mischa) came to pick me up and take me to Ritas so we could get some like gelati things with ice cream and like um other stuff or soemthing. (reealllly good btw) yummmmmmmmmy
julia enjoying her iceeeee cream/gelati thing.
julia got her license! aww. that is exciting.
haha i have no clue. another one of julia driving? with a funny face.
thennnnnn some time a long while ago i decided to take pictures of people sitting around in the room
im a loser...i know.
dannnnnnnnnn and jen! okay so everyone knows they made meretake this picture like 8 times haha
Mandyyyyy. aw!
mandy playing with mikessss hair? i think.
i was gonna edit this to make it look like he was just floating there but...laziness set in. yep
jen is hiding:-(
damn and after that point in my life...i lost my digital camera. if anyone knows that i like left it at your house or something please tell me :-\ i miss it dearly.
i want to take pictures of everything we've been doing lately.
anyway um the past few days have been pretty awesome. we've just been spending so much time outside its awesome
one day me dann and mandy and caroline hung out at the tire park for a while and i got to play with this adorable little boy. haha
and another day this week me erica and jackie just talked and hung out up at chs for like a few hours talking and walking around. it was really fun. and we got a free softball.
and then me erica nick and daniel all went up to hillcrest sometime and played around and stuff for a while and then got gina and did something else i dont really remember
then um we went up to chs again other night to play on the bball courts with everyone. and then went for a walk all around. that was alot of fun.
and yesterday we all went to mystics to get natalies tattoo and i got my lip ring changed to a stud. and then afterwords me erica mandy jenn and abhik went to the inner harbor for like 4 or 5 hours or something just walking around and enjoying the weather. it was so awesome. just being in that atmosphere. i dont know. its nice. i just wish i had my camera. there would have been so many things to take pictures of. like that wierd crazyyyyyy man or all of us.
and i haveto mention that we got to see saturn through a teloscope and that kind of made my fucking month. thats just so interesting to see something remotely upclose so far away. you could like see the rings and everything. it was beautiful in a stellar way :-) i want a fucking telescoppeeeeeee!
and then we went to the lake thing last night and that was just really awesome sitting there cuz the light makes such amazing reflections on the water. its just beautiful.
i just never want to be inside eveeeeeer again. haha.
plus just going outside for reading/or studdying. its just...refreshing?
anyway ive rambled enough for than to make up the lack of updates. sorry if you read that and were bored.<3
oh and i got all my hair cut off?