(no subject)

Sep 16, 2005 08:36

Please tell us 20 random things about yourself. Keep track of how many minutes you take, and tag that many people to perform this exercise themselves.

Start 8:36

1. I haven't had a cigarette in 39 hours (ish)
2. I hate the sound of popping knuckles
3. I was born in Huston Texas on May 2 1979
4. I like traffic lights, but not when they are red
5. I used to do a LOT of theater
6. I actually have stuff to do at work today
7. I have a very nasty temper.
8. I also have an excellent edit filter which prevents my internal temper tantrums from getting out a lot
9. I loathe condescension
10. I want to get my belly-button pierced but am afraid it's get torn or infected
11. I have been larping for close to 10 years
12. I get really pissed at people who do such a bad job trying to manipulate me that I notice it. Dun insult my intelligence, if you're going to try to manipulate me at least dun let me catch you. :p
13. I have a 12 inch George W Bush doll on my desk thanks to Ed M. He rocks.
14. only ate white colored foods until I was about 9
15. I have an older brother and a younger sister
16. I think instructions are for sissies
17. I don't actually have a hero
18. I found an envelope of money last night at the store and turned it in to the manager
19. I want a hug
20. I know kung-foo... ok not really
End: 8:45

9 minutes

I tag:

Sorry guys. Blame loresinger

BTW, Sigur Ros is an AMAZING band. I highly recommend checking them out.

ANTI Smoking update: One day, 17 hours, 4 minutes and 57 seconds. 35 cigarettes not smoked, saving $6.99. Life saved: 2 hours, 55 minutes. Thanks Sunblade!
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