Awesome Graduation.

Jun 16, 2005 20:43

So I just had the most strange graduation ever. Actually, I am torn between feeling very annoyed and cheated out of walking up to get my diploma and, on the contrary, feeling completely, jubilated because this is not the sort of a thing that happens often, or ,for that matter, to anybody else.

The first graduation practice took place on Tuesday. After the 7th period final we were ordered to report to the gym, more or less, in 15 minutes. I had to deliver some things and by the time I went to meet up with my friends, they did not seem to be where they should have been. Panicked, I raced all around the gym, called each of their cell phones and was on the verge of punching random things when, coming back to the original spot, I found them sitting there in annoyed jubilation. Happy 'cause this was the end of finals and annoyed 'cause they were about to call my cell phone and ask where the hell I was.

At this point, we pile into the un-airconditioned gym (speak of the blazes...) and have to choose the people we are walking with for graduation. Which isn't that hard and m'friend and I agree to walk with each when our third friend, flies out of nowhere, crying because her partner ran off. Apparently, rather than have us write this down, they sort of kind of just went by two people go this way and two people go that and please, do line-up in a line. This is all happening in an evil, overcrowded gym where it is very hard to find people that you are looking for. Our friend is frekaing out (note: names are not used in this passage in order to protect the guilty) So, we got that stuff sorted out. Got to our seats. Got to listen to an hour long speech on how we are awesome and nice and the 140th class to graduate - which we are, yessss, yesss, we are. But, honestly, an overheated gym is not the time to rant about it.

I'll go quickly over some other ridiculous stuff. First of all, the guy in charge of the organization kept trying to work us up by shouting what I thought was "Beaver!" to which we answered with "Ole!". Now, this is pretty cool because beavers are MIT mascots and, in general, a strange and random thing to shout (particularly for an administrator :) ). Later I found out that he was shouting "Viva!" I felt like a horrible dork.

Anyways, the culmination of the ceremony is the principal saying a very important phrase. It will begin our pasage out of High School and be the signal to cheer and to get diplomas. She doesn't know it, of course, and has to be reminded. When I ask her about it, she confirms not knowing and not caring. I am not sure how well that speaks of her because the phrase is (give or take a few adjectives) the following:

"Having fullfilled all the graduating requirements of the state of Connecticut, I hereby proudly present the class of 2005!!"

If that sounds like it makes actual sense, read it over again and be very, very careful with that prepositional phrase.

In any case, after this, we go outside. Nice, hot weather. I am ready to kill for a dirnk, but the point is moot, because nobody has one. We practice the graduating maneuvers- walking in an approximatly straight line all the way to the other end of the stadium, getting into rows and then walking back. It is very, very hot. Luckily, there is senior picnic and I get soda without having to kill for it. In fact, I get an extra amount of soda because I have 1337 manipulating skillz and, also, because I am really thristy and they have extras.

On Wednesday, we got caps and gowns, but I will skip that because I was 40 minutes late for an hour long practice and managed to miss nothing of consequence (except, maybe "Show up here an hour early tomorrow!"). Afterwards, Meagan, Erica and I went to Erica's house and watched the entire first season of Slayers before going to see Batman Begins. It was very fun and this post is not about that at all.

So today, I show up there at five. Funness. Talk to people, hug people. Spend the last 30 minutes sitting in the auditorium and waiting to leave. Finally, we go outside and we walk in a straight line and we sit down and the madrigals sing and the sky is turning kind of purple.

Then the mayor gets up and shortens his speech to, literally, thirty seconds- y'know, purple skies. Then, it is our class president's turn. She goes on for 10 minutes. By the way- the speech was horrible by all merits, our class president is, possibly, an OK person but she is an idiot cheerleader and did I mention the 10 minute speech- the sky is looking very much bruised by now. It isn't even twilight anymore- it is darker than twilight.

At this point, everybody else finishes up their 30 second speeches because, with the changing weather conditions, we want to start the graduation ceremony...but we don't. The sky explodes in thunder, it is raining horribly and we all get pushed into the gym from which we have to get pushed to the fifth floor (note: That is only 1 floor up. We have an interesting floor structure.) to pick up our diplomas and, well, that, is it. The end of the graduation. With all this 3 day build up - nothing. I didn't even get to hug my favourite teachers or talk to some people or hug my friends (OK, I have the summer to that, but still) or anything like that. In fact, I don't even get a diploma. Actually, that is my own fault.

I don't get a diploma because I owe the school my copy of Cantebury Tales. I was going to hand it in, but, well, I kind of forgot. So, I head out with my parents and even subvert them to go the Chinese Buffet because I am hungry (they were thinking "Something with waiters"). Finally, the moment of truth.

Mother: So, Kate do you have your diploma?
Mother: Why not?
Me: I owe them a book, so I can't get it until I hand it in.
Mother: This is not my legacy. *looks at SW*
SW: I didn't teach her this....

Right. So, at this point, it is kind of obvious that they are not about to kill me or anything. In fact they don't seem to care and are more busy laughing about that time that my stepfather apparently, got his college to confiscate a rather important document and keep it for 5 years because he was too lazy to come back for it. I didn't know about that sotry at all. Things to discover about parental units...

I saw about 5 people that I knew at the buffet, so I decided that it was time to leave, and am now trying to work off the after-effects of overeating. Huzzah for food. :D

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