updating for tricia.
Amanda & Eddie
Eddie lmao
They were all looking at Amanda's new phone and I was like GHEY
John being emo
John and Laurel
Lmfao Laurel
Lucia, John, Laurel
Espe! yelling at me for taking a picture of her.
John & Laurel
Ian wearing my jacket. He switched out of our class :[
Henry (aka Rainbow) and Logan. Logan is making a weird face but it's so funny. Stupid lighting
Henry eating
Henry's pretty hair!
Isaac modeling again XD
Lmfao aw. Henry is like "I'm going to tackle Adrian" and then he did. ♥ I wish Adrian would like boys so he could date Henry. But not.. Idk they're too much of friends. I want Henry for myself because he's so cuuuuute ♥♥
Adrian wearing makeup.