Do any of you guys ever have those "senior moments" when you realize you're all that much closer to being an actual adult? About a week ago I went suit shopping for Japan. Most companies in Japan are conservative as are their dress codes so I had to get some clothes to go with my new job. My mom and I went to Target where cheap, yet stylish, suits abound. I took one look in the mirror and was like "damn" in all senses of the word. Here is my first suit:
As you can see I choose it for its flexibility in preforming martial arts as well as making an impression. Don't I look so grown up? I think so.
Here's a picture of the suit performing something I'm sure to do in Japan more often than fighting off ninjas:
"I humbly request that if you put any more mayonnaise on my pizza my fist will meet your honorable face."
And to go with that professional vibe, I got a new Mac notebook. Now no one will doubt my outward superiority!
As you may have inferred, in this shot I'm protecting my computer from the rampant Pikachu infestations you've all heard so much about.
Lastly, the most time I'll be spending in my sweet, sweet, threads will be on the subway, coming and going and annoying random strangers with my subtle wit. Or, you know, reading something.
ALL the books look like this, even the ones on quantum physics.