yea i'm bored

Jan 07, 2005 16:11

At The Moment
1. Name: Matthew
2. Nicknames: Matt, Mattman
3. Feet size: 13
4. Do you have a crush?: yea
5. Significant other? yes
6. Age you act: 15
7. Where Do You Live: New city
8. Where you want to live: New York, somewhere around here
9. Birthplace: White Plains, NY
10. Favorite Salad Dressing: no salad 4 me but blue cheese is good
11. Ever gone skinny dipping? no but it would be fun:)
12. What are you watching? : idk
13. Last person you talked to: Dave
14. Favorite movie: Lord of the Rings:Return of the King
15. Favorite Books: All Harry Potter
16. Favorite Type of music: anything that isnt rap, hip-hop, country, or classical
17. Favorite types of cars: i like minis but idk if i would want 1
18. Favorite Saying: dont live live regreting things u hav done, regret things you had the chance 2 do but didnt
19. Favorite Fast Food: Burger King
20. Favorite Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip
21. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: idk ive had some but none r way above the others
22. When Do You Go To Sleep: 12:30-1
23. Most Embarrassing Moment: when i slipped on ice on the way 2 the bus and landed in dog shit
24. Stupidest Person you know: im gonna say julia but the hair could hav sumthin 2 do w/that
26. Favorite holiday: Christmas
27. Favorite Food: chicken
28. Favorite Song: Airport-Something Corporate
29. Favorite Television Show: Law and Order:SVU
30. Favorite Radio Station: K-rock
31. Favorite junk food: sweets
32. Favorite sappy love song: i dont wanna miss a thing-Aerosmith
1. School: mayb ithica but a good music program will weigh heavily
2. Where You Want To Live: some where in a 50 mile radius of here
3. How Many Kids You Want: 3 mabye 4
4. What Kind Of Job You Want: something in music
5. Wedding song: no idea
6. Pets? mayb a dog
7. Car? something that runs well
8. 5 years from now? College
9. 10 years from now? prolly married, job, mabye a kid
10. 20 years from now? Kids, good job

1. Done Drugs: Nope
2. Run Away From Home: nope but ive thought about it
3. Hit A Girl: only sisters
4. Lied: all the time
5. Stolen Anything: i stole a bottle of motor oil when i was about 3
6. Broken A Bone: wrist
7. Cheated On A Test: not really
8. Cheated On A Significant Other: nope
9. Gotten Drunk: semi
11. Been In The Hospital: yea
12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yea im good at that
13. Fell asleep in the shower/bath: no
14. Gone to Church: every sunday and some holy days against my will
15. Never slept during a night: yea but not often
16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: never
17. Been to a camp: yea the FV will always b w/me
18. Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: no
19. Seen someone die: no
20. Gone a week w/out shaving: yea
21. Didn't wash your hair for a week: mayb
22. Broken something valuable: yea
23. Thought you were in love: yes
24. Streaked the streets: no, but also sounds fun
25. Screamed at someone for no reason: yea
26. Said I love you and meant it: no
27. Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: yea
28. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: yep
29. Pulled a prank? yes, can u say hand sanitizer
30. Made fun of someone? yea

Which Is Better
1. Coke Or Pepsi: Coke
2. Cats Or Dogs: Dogs
3. DVDs or VHS: DVD’s
4. Deaf Or Blind: blind but either would b bad
5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: hot tubs but both r good lots of skin;)
6. Television Or Radio: Tv
7. CDs Or MP3's: CD's
8. Apples or oranges: aples
9. Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
10. Gold or silver: silver
11. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
12. Movies or music: music, thats usually wat makes a movie really good
13. Park or Beach: beach
14. Hot or Cold weather? cold b/c im never cold
15. Sunset or Sunrise? Sunset, but sunrise is kool 2

SECTION FIVE: When is the Last Time You
1. Took a shower: last nite
2. Cried: september at my aunts funeral
3. Watched a Disney movie: a while
4. Been to the movies: last week, Phantom is really good
5. danced: d-coats
6. did a survey like this: a long time ago

1. Your Fondest Memory Of last year: Frost Valley
2. Your Most Prized Possession: im gonna say my voice
3. The Things That Make You The Happiest: singing a great song
4. Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: Bacon and eggs
5. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: Ribs
6. Your Favorite Slow Song: i dont wanna miss a thing-aerosmith
7. Your Ideal BF/GF: idk

SECTION SEVEN: What do you think about
1. Bill Clinton: hes a good prez but the scandal made him better
2. Love at First Sight: yes, im a hopeless romantic
3. Abortion: yes but only if theres no other option
4. Smoking: smoking is horible
5. Death: idk what it is but im not scared of it
6. Eating disorders: not good, almost as bad as smokin
7. Rap: really bad 4 the most part
8. Marilyn Manson: hes crazy
9. Premarital sex: im 4 it but thats prolly a given since im a dude
10. Suicide: not kool and i wouldnt do it

1. best friend: dave
2. current crush: Aja Electra
3. boyfriend/girlfriend: yes (see prvious question)
4. are u center of attention or wallflower: more a wallflower but both r fine
5. what type automobile do u drive: i dnot drive but i will soon
6. are u timely or always late: usually late
7. do u have a job: no but i want 1
8. do u like being around people: yea unless im in a crappy mood
9. hobbies: music

1. have u ever loved someone u had no chance with? yea
2. have u ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did? yea
3. do u have a "type" of person u always go after: not really
4. want someone u don't have right now: nope
5. Have you ever liked a close guy/girlfriend?: yea
6. are u lonely right now? nope
7. ever afraid u'll never get married?: nope
8. do u want to get married? yes
9. do u want kids? definatly
10. would you rather love or be loved? i would rather love but both would be the ultimate

1. room in house: my room
2. type of music: rock
3. location for dates: movies or houses
4. memories: idk prolly camp
5. day of the week: saturday
6. color: green
7. cologne: dont wear it
8. flower: roses
9. month: January
10. season: Fall

In the last 48 hours have you
1. cried: no
2. bought something: no
3. gotten sick: nope
4. sang: yes, a lot
5. said i love you: no
6. wanted to tell someone u loved them but didn't: nope
7. met someone new: nope
8. moved on: idk wat the hell that means
9. talked to someone: yea
10. had a serious talk: not really
11. missed someone: no
12. hugged someone: Yes
13. kissed someone: yea
14. fought with your parents: no
15. dreamed about someone u can't be with: no
16. had a lot of sleep: yes
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