Happy New Year

Jan 01, 2007 02:19

Well, this one will go down in the books as (hopefully) my lamest New Year's ever, but I only half care. I'm staying home, setting off fireworks with my dad, and probably watching either Veronika Voss or Pride and Prejudice. There were things I could have done around the city... but honestly, what I should have done is go to Chicago or New York. I started thinking about it last night, and I really miss Chicago, and New Year's last year was pretty much the best one I've ever had, and so this year was bound to not live up to it. It would have been good to be in Chicago. New Year's is always really lame with my high school friends so it's probably good that I'm not out getting vaguely drunk with people I used to be really close with and a bunch of random people besides. Anyway.

Speaking of high school friends, a few nights ago we had our 5 year high school reunion. Julia organized it and I supposedly "helped," which basically means I encouraged her to do things while I was in LA and she was in San Francisco. So she basically did the whole thing herself, but she did a really good job! I think almost everyone there had a really good time. I think in the end about 35 or 36 people showed up, which in a class of 90 ain't so bad. I really genuinely like almost everyone I went to high school with. Granted, most of the people who showed up were people I actually had seen recently, which means that they were mostly the sort of main clique of people from high school. Not that I was really IN the main clique, but I was friends with people who were, so I've seen most of them since college. What was more fun was seeing people like Greg Maximov and Sam Coffin and Thomas Chow, plus Liz Caffrey and Jamie McDonald and people like that. I feel like I ought to list everyone for Ana's benefit, because she was far away in Japan and not around to come... so if you didn't go to Lick, you probably don't care about this part. People who came: Julia, Larkin, Rachel, Alexis, William McKleroy, Will Madison, Matty P, Martin, Gabe, Jamie, Gio, Phia, Zac Rose, Sam, Greg, Caitlin, Thomas, Brian Au, Claire, Noelle, Liz, Andrew Kelsey, Jordan, Diane, Sophie, Emily Johnson, Kelly Breen, Aarin Schlosberg, Nick Wettersten, Matt Levy, Danielle, Ariel Churnin, Liam Mac Dermed, and Deirdre. And me. I think that's 35 exactly. Pictures of the reunion and after party can be found here.

Those of you who went to large, normal high schools probably find it insanely weird that anyone might care exactly who was at a 5 year reunion, but trust me, people from Lick not only remember almost everyone, but they really do care. Even if it's just caring for gossip's sake, they care. The strange thing about hanging out with all these people was how extremely not weird it was. It was almost comforting, actually, to see people I've known so well for such a long time. I guess after spending 4 months at AFI, where I'm struggling to really get to know anyone, seeing anyone I've known for over a year is comforting. It was the same with going back to Pacific Primary; like a sigh of relief after holding your breath for 4 months. People in San Francisco, or even just people FROM San Francisco, are somehow so much more real than people from LA... I don't know why that is, and what about LA makes the people who live there so weird, but San Francisco is so much better that I can't stand the thought of leaving again. Do I really have to go back?

Last night Danielle had a White Elephant party, which was mostly fun. I made an awesome hot-glue-and-small-figurines concoction to bring as my white elephant present, and I saw some people I hadn't seen yet over break, like Erika and ElShady and Jana. Danielle's friends from Wesleyan were there, though, whom I've never really liked. Oh well. Nick Palmer came too, with his friend Jim! Nick Palmer is my friend from AFI. He's one of the only people I feel like I've actually gotten to know decently well, and his parents live in Concord, so he's been around for the break. He came and hung out withe me and Larkin in the Richmond the other night, too, on a Tuesday night when trivia was bizarrely canceled... oh well. It's on this week.

So, anyway, happy New Year. I hope you all did something more interesting than me, if you wanted to, and that you're having fun no matter what. Here's to an amazing 2007!

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