Apr 27, 2005 21:49
u know how on pearl harbor reif fails the eye test and tells the nurse "dont take my wings"....well thats totally how I feel because Ive lost my voice and to me my voice is like my wings because Im always singing and now I cant. I went to campaigners and sat back and watched everyone sing all the songs and I tried real hard but nothin would come out...I couldnt even talk during the lesson. well lol maybe I'll learn something from it...to be a listener since Im usually a talker...I hope it gets better...anyways I went to the doctor today and I found out im 5'5'' and that I have a bad ear infection ANDD a sinus infection! well hopefully it will go away soon! I'm super tired now...I think this medicine they gave me is like ritalin to an ADD person....Im lifeless lol I just sit there and stare and I have slow reactions to everything its reallly weird...well anyways Im goin to bed gnight!