ALAMAK with a capital A, its almost 2am and i just discovered i've got lit homework for morning lecture tmr. yes morning lecture in school on a saturday. it is seriously gross and i rather she extend lessons on weekdays, but ok from a more mature point of view, my teacher is hardworking therefore link to the signifcance that she is caring and the overarching theme is that its for the greater good of sajc lit faculty, so that we stand a greater chance of "following the tough act" of the previous lit batch. => practicising my lit while blogging, do i make u proud mum
mum typed an email to Suzie!!! ok thats not all, wait for it...and she CC-ed the email to the Lit teachers!!! oh no i am very scared, that Suzie will tell her how disruptive i am in class yadayada. i told my mum the "double chin" story. for those who weren't there, it went something like this (at the fitness corner in my school)
Ms suzie comes along...
Nat: Ms Suzie do you hate desiree? (cuz i suan Ms Suzie practicially 24/7)
Ms Suzie: YES she is so rude!! worst student ever!! etcetc (not angry tone but evidently annoyed)
Des: Ms suzie!!! i have a double chin just like you!! *shows double chin* mines called "go away", what's yours?
Ms Suzie: argh!!!!!
when i told this to my momma over dinner she thought it was "witty", thanks ma you da bomb, plz dont talk to my teachers though it is utterly embarrasing! and no i do not want to go Accelerated Prog i will miss Suzie hahaha!
this is a pic of moi in between 2 rainbows: (i know random but i want to show tiffany)
can see anot ah?
alright i'm gna go read my lit until exhaustion takes over. dont think i can go round 2 of shopping tomorrow, rather go home and sleep. today, i bought a dress!! ok i bet some cant believe it, others are puking blood just thinking about it, etcetc but that is the effect i was gunning for to end off this post with a bang.
cheers to life without 2.4km run EVER AGAIN