Sushi house

Sep 13, 2008 17:53

Morat recently said:

"Whatever we write, we write of ourselves as we are the only Universe we inhabit. The "me" Universe is quite large. It entails all my learning (a short story), all my experience (a paperback novel), all my imagination (One volume) and all my aspiration (a menu from a Sushi house). But we write, I think, not for sympathy, understanding, readership, pay or travel miles. We write for exposition to externalize our thoughts and feelings so we may make fun of them. Nothing can be reasoned until it can be laughed at (like ending a sentence with a preposition). So we look in the mirror to laugh at the reflection of our noses. We write words to laugh at the reflection of our thought."

I recall this clearly as after he said it he left the table at the Sushi house, and to my dismay, he left me with the bill.
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