
Sep 04, 2008 21:14

When I watch TV, I usually watch the Sci-Fi channel. Two of my favorite shows are Ghosthunters and Destination Truth because nothing ever happens. In the former two intrepid plumbers stumble through the night, with lights off, employing fancy equipment to seek proof of ghosts, Actually, they never explained why they do it at night. Perhaps ghosts lack sunscreen so they prefer night. I assume they turn off the lights to conserve energy. Inevitably, they find nothing. They do sometimes hear a strange noise, but that proves nothing. Consider how many strange noises were heard at the two political conventions.

Destination Truth is of the same ilk. Our intrepid explorer, with his merry band, go to the four corners of the World in search of mythical beasts. This raises several questions. How does the World, a spheroid, have corners? If they are mythical beasts won't they be hard to see? What does his cohort, the lovely Aracelli, do besides looking good while not seemingly doing anything? Undaunted by these questions he continues his quest. Inevitably, he finds nothing but that all pervasive occasional strange noise

One might ask why I like these shows in light of their approximate 100% failure rate to find anything. Somehow, I find it refreshing to see acknowledgment of the fact that when you look for something that isn't there, you don't find it. And, this deeply into the political funny season, I love the idea of strange noises being relegated to the Sci-Fi Channel.
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