Cat and Saturday

Aug 31, 2008 18:33

"I know Cat, I repeat myself."

"I suspect so," she purred, "though I never actually listen to you."

Realizing she is not only beautiful, but wise I continued.

"Simply, we don't know anything. We know what to do in context. We know to add milk to cereal, how to heat frozen pizza, always to avoid CNN, but we don't understand why."

"You mean like understanding Baseball and Cricket?"

"No," I responded. "Understanding that is an absolute impossibility. I mean understanding why here is. Why we sense it and what we are going to do with this sense of it."

Her hand gently stroked my hair as she answered, "what you are going to do is buy me dinner, I am hungry and you talk too much."

As always, I realized she is far wiser than I will ever be.
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