(no subject)

Jun 15, 2004 21:43

well well well.. i have had a boring day.. i went to driver's ed again.. the weird boy behind me was trying to rub my hand when i was fixing my coat again.. he also felt the need to knee me in the butt.. on purpose..so for like half the class i sat up cuz i was to weired out to sit back. haha

after driver's ed i was supposed to go to zoe's house, but my mom messed up the plans.. so maybe i'll go tomorrow. lol lets see.. well i feel like crap again today because of my parents.. here is what happened today:

so everytime i eat something unhealthy my parents feel the need to remind me that it is bad.. and i'm already highly aware of it...and so today i had some ice cream and my dad had to scream at me that it was unhealthy and why was i eating it and all this other crap... he was all " why are you eating ice cream... why aren't you eating salad??!?!??!?!?!" and then my mom felt the need to jump in and add " from now on you need to ask us before you can eat anything" so now.. everytime i get something to eat i have to ask my parents.. and it makes me feel like a fat bitch
How to make a goatsrhot

5 parts success

5 parts crazyiness

1 part instinct
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of fitness and enjoy!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
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