Under new NT laws brought into force last week, every child under 16 having consensual sex with another child under 16 is a child molester - and you have to report them. To highlight the dangerousness of these laws, if you don't dob your little sister in to the police because you think she is possibly having sex with her boyfriend (or girlfriend), you could face jail (and so could your sister and her partner). Unlike in other states, consent and age difference is irrelevant - under the new NT laws, 2 15 year olds are r*ping one another. Ignorance of this law is no defence in court.
Everyone (mums, dads, friends, neighbours) in the NT must report actual or suspected underage sexual activity or face 2 years jail or $20,000 fine. Health workers, teachers, counsellors must also follow this law or face 2 years jail or $20,000 fine.
This means that teenage girls under 16 cannot seek information about preventing pregnancy or STDs, as anyone giving them that information or help is criminalised, as well as possibly the girls themselves. This law appears to have been triggered by the Australian Crime Commission trying to use its powers to access the health records of eight Indigenous girls in the Northern Territory aged between 13 and 15 who had been fitted with the Implanon contraceptive implant. Their clinic refused to hand over the records, saying there was no evidence of abuse, and the clinic won the case in the Federal Court.
The AMA is "deeply concerned" about these laws, and have been told some doctors have stopped asking their young patients if they are sexually active.
Article at
http://www.abcscience.net.au/news/stories/2009/04/20/2546948.htm?section=justin What can be done about these laws? NT Mothers Against Mandatory Reporting (mumsagainstmandatoryreportingATgmailDOTcom) have formed to work towards educating people about the implications of these laws, so that people will speak out and get the laws changed.
Write, email or call the NT Chief Minister (Chief.Minister@nt.gov.au) and other government ministers - also write to the NT News (
http://www.ntnews.com.au/feedback/letters_feedback.html) and say what you think about these laws:
* Northern Territory mothers will not stand for this law.
* Our daughters and sisters have the right to medical treatment and the right to privacy.
* Kids will be scared to go the doctor or share their troubles under these laws
* Laws should protect our kids, not put them in danger
* The underage mandatory reporting laws must be changed now or lives could be lost.
* If this law is not changed, Labor won't have your vote.
Paul Henderson, Chief Minister, NT Government
Telephone: 08 8901 4000
Facsimile: 08 8901 4099
Email: Chief.Minister@nt.gov.au