Hello, everyone. I just thought I would share an issue I just stumbled across. I've been reading about the Mandaeans, an ancient group who trace their faith back to John the Baptist and who some scholars believe, astonishingly may be the only surviving Gnostic community (or something close). They are not Christian, but trace their beliefs to the time of Jesus and his cousin John. They are mentioned in the Qur'an, and seem to have existed for 2,000 years, as similar Christian Gnostic communities were suppressed as heretics. Many coexisted with Muslims for centuries, but most have recently faced threats and violence in the chaos following the invasion of Iraq. Many have had to flee to neighboring Muslim countries where their rights are also in danger, and some have fled to the United States and Australia. They have received little welcome in either (apparently some are suffering in detention camps in Australia), and scholars fear they may be facing extinction.
A tragic, unforeseen consequence of our country's Iraq war, this tiny community is in great peril. I feel we have a responsibility to welcome these people, since our actions have driven them from their home. There are a few petitions to the US and Australia, kindly consider signing.
About this community:
http://forbiddengospels.blogspot.com/2007/02/how-can-we-help-mandaeans-survive.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandean Petitions:
http://forbiddengospels.blogspot.com/2007/12/mandaean-petition-update.htmhttp://www.petitiononline.com/mandaean/petition.htmlhttp://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Free_Yasamin/ PS- I'm doing well and just got my grades... somehow pulled three A's and a B! *Dances* I'll try and fill people in more when I settle in to spring classes.