Welcome back!
As promised, I'd like to show you the businesses established by Rotation 10 that I didn't show last time! All of these photos were taken just now, after all of these businesses have reached level 10.
First up, Chris Letissier's passion project, Galerie Letissier:
Galerie Letissier
Est. by Chris Letissier, Rotation 6.
Venez maintenant faire de bonnes affaires sur l'art importé de Champs les Sims et d'ailleurs. L'expertise de Chris fera paraître n'importe quelle maison cultivée.
Riverview Tower
Est. by Charles Sims, Rotation 8.
A lovely privately owned park with a tower to see the whole town, a stunning view of the river below, a coffee shop, and a relaxing park space. Famous for its poker nights!
Simsville Farmers Market
Est. by Lucian Sims II, Rotation 9.
Simsville's pre-eminent green thumb, Lucian Sims II, counts this humble Farmers Market as among his greatest achievements.
Get Elektrik!
Est. by Mauricio Gonzalez, Rotation 9.
Originally a passion project between father and daughter, co-founder Mauricio Gonzalez started this store to increase excitement for technology in Simsville.
Streisans Dance Studio
Est. by Barbara Sims, Rotation 10.
Established by Barbara Sims, Streisans Dance Studio has seen countless young Simsvillains grow up with the gift of dance.
And there we have it! Let's move on by looking at some pictures from rotations 11 through 13.
First up, we're looking at Lucian Sims II and his wife Barbara Sims (née Parker), with their firstborn, Cherry Sims II!
Because this is the first time we're seeing Barbara, here is her info:
Barbara Sims. Townie, moved in Rotation 11. Knowledge/Popularity, LTW: Dance. Sagitarrius, 2/3/9/7/4.
Over in Charles Sims' house, we see their newly adopted dog, Max, guarding his only child, Penny Sims!
Charles and Max! Charles wasn't a super agreeable Sim, but he and Max hung out with each other constantly.
Here is Max and Cherry with Cherry's mom, Charles' wife, Carla Sims (née Jung!)
Carla was an infamous Karen at her father-in-law's businesses. I almost just married her in to keep her from patronizing my businesses for eternity... but no, Charles also had a lot of chemistry with her.
Carla Sims. Townie, moved in Rotation 11. Popularity/Fortune, LTW: Military. Leo, 4/10/4/4/3.
Mauricio is the best father in Simsville history so far! Here he is getting a job in his dream career field, gaming.
I guess I should show you his kids, huh? On the left here is Mauricio and Kyle Gonzalez's firstborn, Leonardo, and on the right is his younger sister, Flor!
In rotation 12, Lucian Jr. and Barbara moved back in with Lucian's mom, Cherry, who was there all alone after the death of our founder, Lucian Sr. This was awesome, because she got to be an intimate part of her grandchildren's lives! Here we have a double birthday, with Cherry II on the right, and her younger sister, Petra, on the left.
Playing a neighborhood with an evergreen aesthetic has its challenges! After a few million times of this happening, I started keeping weather machines on all businesses with any outdoor elements.
Cherry II and Petra weren't Lucian II's only children! As a PlantSim, he ended up having TWINS! They grew up quickly, of course, sharing a birthday night with Petra:
Here they all are! I have no idea which one is which, but look, a neighborhood birthday party! That's the back of an elderly Chris Letissier and a pregnant Kyle Gonzalez. It doesn't look like I took photos of Rose or Lily, Lucian's PlantSim twins, for a hot minute, so we'll get back to them!
That Birthday party, though, was actually a New Years Party! Woo!
I can't post a BaCC without a few fire photos, right? Also, poor Barbara! I haven't actually been able to show you her face yet! She is my favorite spouse of the neighborhood.
My favorite thing about playing an entire neighborhood like this is getting to bond extended families. Here is Penny Sims on the left with her cousin, Cherry II/Petra (I'm not sure which one) on the right!
Well, as before, there are still some photo gaps in this era. But next up we have the wedding of one of my favorite Simvillains, Maxence Letissier, son of Chris Letissier!
Maxence Letissier grew up to be a Family/Popularity Sim with a LTW of Raising 20 Puppies/Kittens (did not happen). He is a Pisces, 6/3/7/3/10.
His husband, Waylon Letissier (née Almasizzadeh), was a townie who moved in Rotation 13. He is a Knowledge/Romance Sim, LTW: Entertainment career. Pisces, 5/3/7/3/7.
He and Maxence were teen sweethearts! I couldn't help but marry them as quickly as I could! Now, some wedding photos!
Here we have the couple sitting with Rose Sims, one of the PlantSim twins! The handsome old guy behind her is Greg, Maxence's dad.
The wedding also had a birthday! Let's point out some more Sims here chaotically:
Mrs. Claus over on the left is Maxence's twin, Mathilde. Mathilde is a Pleasure/Romance Sim, LTW: Gamer. Pisces, 4/6/7/3/7.
The kid is Margaux, the youngest of Chris and Greg Letissier's kids.
On the right we finally see Barbara Sims' face, albeit sneering!
Another BaCC photo essential: an unknown house being robbed! Oh my!
As I said last time, the friendship between Cherry and Chris was so beautiful. I'm sad to say, this is the last photo I have of Cherry.
Cherry Sims (née Enriquez) was a townie who became the second Sim in Simsville when she married Lucian Sims I in Rotation 1. She was a Popularity/Family Sim who wanted to max the Athletic career, but couldn't due to BaCC restrictions. Still, she died permaplat from a happy life! She is survived by her children Lucian and Charles, her grandaughters Cherry, Penny, and Petra. She was the founder of Cherry's Cars.
Is this how she died? I'm afraid not, this is a burnt Chris Letissier.
The Letissier family has had a whole lot of cats. I think this is the stray they adopted, Angel!
Throughout these rotations, Charles was working hard at the Business career, and in Rotation 13, he maxxed it, becoming the first Business Tycoon in Simsville, unlocking the career for everyone!
This led to the establishment of Simsville's first Business District, which Charles named Penny Vista, in honor of his daughter!
Just to check in on score, before this BD, Simsville was at a population of 21 and SM of 4 for a score of 84. With the +5 from this BD, the score jumped up to 189!
Sims 2 robotics stay fun and chaotic!
Here is Charles' daughter, Penny, becoming a teen! Penny was an amazing prodigy, thanks of course to the incredible amount of support she got as an only child. She actually had a live in nanny (a CAS sim), who moved in Rotation 12! As the only photo of her thus far is the back of her head as seen above, I'll introduce you to her next time.
Penny Sims is a Knowledge/Popularity Sim, LTW: Dance. She is an Aries, 10/9/7/0/4. That's an ultra neat, outgoing, and serious personality!! Sounds like a recipe for success to me.
Fire at the Gonzalez house!
Here's heartthrob Leonardo Gonzalez as a teen. Leonardo is an icon to me:
Leonardo Gonzalez, Romance/Pleasure, LTW: Athletics. Scorpio, 7/4/9/4/1.
He really is a major Scorpio, a major Romance Sim, and a major Pleasure secondary aspiration. He is major.
Here we are looking at the compound that Rose and Lily Sims moved to in Rotation 13! These ladies started the only new business in these three rotations:
Daylight Lounge
Est. by Rose Sims, Rotation 13.
Simsville's first successful restaurant and music venue is an incredible and refreshing open-air experience for Sims and PlantSims alike.
And since I still haven't told you who they are, here is one of these twins (my favorite), Rose!
Rose, like Leonardo, is a Romance icon. Maybe I like these Sims so much because I end up spending so much time working on helping them get with people.
Rose Sims, Romance/Fortune, LTW: 20 Simultaneous Lovers (A LOT OF WORK!). Libra, 9/10/10/4/2.
Her sister, who you haven't seen, is Lily Sims, Popularity/Fortune, LTW: Music. Pisces, 9/10/10/4/2.
See you for Rotations 14-16 soon!
Here is the updated season end chart for Rotation 13: