First day of school

Aug 13, 2004 20:34

Alright, I had my first day of being a senior in high school today.  Overall, it was pretty fun.

Jazz band is gonna be fun, as always.
American Politics and Government seems like it won't be too torturous.
Band is gonna be good also.
Homeroom is fun, love Ms. Mendoza, and I love the peeps in that class.
I lost my fine arts TAship for the first semester, but it got replaced with Satire H...a class that I reeeeeeally wanted to take.
Music theory is gonna be good, the people seem very interested in muzic.
Choir is gonna be AMAZING this year, I absolutely LOVE everyone in there.
Lunch is gonna be pretty much like every year before, the whole crew has the same lunch (Except Manda-Manda *shniffle*)
American Literature is an infamous slacker class...but I have Dr. it could still manage to be torture.
Quiet Study with Mr. Mo is gonna be good times...he's a fun guy, the whole class is seniors pretty much, so lots of fun people that I already know...and Mo will prolly let me practice my trumpet in the band room whenever I need it...and also let me out early on Mondays so I can get to my Trumpet Lessons on time.

Aside from school I didn't do much today.  I went to dinner with my family to celebrate me turning 6,300 days old (We just needed an excuse to celebrate) and uhm...yeah, that's it.

I guess tomorrow I have to order my Satire books, and buy all my class materials.
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