The Rookie Oath

Apr 24, 2005 22:45

I, state your name, do hyereby solemnly swear to uphold the ideals of the Marching Lumberjacks Band-uh. As an MLJ Rookie, I vow to...

Clean the bus after road trips
With my toothbrush

Pass Smarties without complaint

Sing Lakeport in its entirety

Respect my elders

And heed the words of wisdom passed down from the Great and Powerful Scrotes.

And as a Marching Lumberjack, I will remember always

That an MLJ


Loyalty, and

Congratulations on achieving your Rookiedumb.

May it be an enjoyable learning experience.

[Stacey Douglas, I believe. This was written on a folded, crumpled sheet of binder paper with some sort of brownish liquid spilled on it. Parts of the page were growing mold.]
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