
Nov 09, 2010 10:44

I just don't know what to do. I was all set to scan in the next 3 pages of Cloverleaf but after scanning 7 times I had no usable images. I have no clue what the problem is with my stupid scanner but I obviously can't post anything until I get scans ): This is bumming me out(>人<;)

I also have no clue what I'm trying to accomplish. Well I have some idea. My goals for this month are:
1. Design New Years card
2. Maybe design a hetalia postcard and try to get cards from ppl on the comm ( I love receiving mail)
3. Work regularly on web-comics (Get Cloverleaf to pg 14 or more by New Years)
4. Figure out what I wanna do with the Aronial comic. I've already planned out multiple chapters so I was wondering if I shouldn't just work on that and send the first 2 chapters to an online comic website and see if I could get hired....Altho, I'm not sure I have enough free time to finish inking/toning two chapters before I go to school and have the free time to produce a chapter each month while doing homework/part time job (impossible).

Maybe I should draw the name and hold off on the actual pages.

Anyway, I'll post more about cards later...So tell me if you're interested in receiving!

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

life, webcomic, comic, manga, rambling, via ljapp

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