
Mar 24, 2010 09:44

I came back from the three day weekend in Kyoto yesterday morning. I came to work late today >: I'm still pretty sleepy

Saturday was randomly Doshisha's graduation so we ran into a lot of people.
First was Daisuke's ESA posse then Tsuki followed by Emi. I was really surprised to hear that the reason why Tsuki is moving to
Tokyo is to go to a seiyu college! And that Hisako is moving to become a manga assistant! It was really exciting to find that out.

After visiting the Imadegawa campus it was only natural for us to stop at Falafel Garden and grab some falafel :) it was tasty but they used to warm the pita before. It was a little sad eating unwarmed pita....

I'm not going to write about the entire trip because there is a bit too much to write about and there is the fact that I am lazy (also the iPhone is a little annoying to type with). But I'm really glad I went. I forgot how much I like Kyoto. This is kinda a bittersweet fact to remember....: ( the temperature and weather was good the entire time we were there. I was really happy about that.

Right now I am just pretty tired tho. Last night was my first time sleeping on a futon since last Thursday! I had forgotten how nice an actual futon feels like. I'm excited for this Friday bc I will get to sleep in a real bed with a mattress!! I seriously cannot wait for that :D

Oh yeAh, this is my first journal in a while without pictures....maybe try to visualize falafel? That may fill up the void of having nothing to look at ( ;

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