(no subject)

May 05, 2005 08:17

Hmm. This has been a pretty interesting couple of months. I believe in three days it will be a month since I had access to my computer at home. What a drag. I need some gamming to relieve my frustrations. Console games are fun, but they just aren't the same as the various "Daboos" and "Zug Zugs" I have been accustomed too.

All is well.

I believe I am emotionally level as far as I can say. I haven't really had any ups or downs lately. Just pretty much a train chugging along the tracks of self-content...ness... I've had thoughts of relationships, then I realize that these are a farce, false hopes in my eyes. The dispostion of desire has all but left my mind, and I feel right as rain. That's right, I like to use big words from time to time. At times it seemed a hoping feeling that couldn't be sated, has vanished.

I'm not really sure what I meant by all of this, but getting attention from the opposite sex has always been a great pleasure of mine. Now, it doesn't matter as much. I believe that now I realize that most of the time I think it is more than it appears to be.

If it's not.

Then lucky me.

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