Jul 08, 2009 06:01
I don't know what to write about so I'll make this a multi topic thing.
.......I just got into a new band called The Format. They're like deathcab but the only thing that sucks is that they're on hiatus so no shows.
...it seems that 2009 is the year I get interested in a lot of bands. I was incredibly serious about getting away from tmbg and this is my result. Like 2006 I got into tmbg, 2007 was a year for bnl and Beatles, 2008 was PUSA, and 2009 is for Beck, Deathcab, The Format, Mew, and The Rheostatics (well kinda..) I liked Billy Idol for a while, but not crazy for him.
.....i've seen a lot of turkeyheads in my life and I just ditched the worst ones. I swear I never get to openly say things like this but I shouldn't care what people think. If I wanna post something totally obscene for the LULZ I can, they don't stop me! They did at some point and it made me infuriated because on my worries list in my mind I thought about losing someone who likes my art just because I choose to make certain drawings, fuck.
......I like Kevin Hearn and I will get his new album as soon as I can, probably before the tmbg album
......Flansburgh has the worst taste in music. Nine inch nails is such a shitty band it's not even funny. Also wtf is wrong with drinking something else besides coffee? I'm just fine without it. Man he needs to drink fucking chocolate soy milk or something, now that is an awesome beverage.
.......I think I'm finally free from getting upset or worried about the stupidest things.I'll thank Steev for that.