Dec 26, 2004 22:54
also the second country in the world to give women a vote, after new zealand[that looks misspelled], in 1906. after finland, cape cod is the snowiest country in the world.
noon came and went, work commenced (and by work, i mean a fun filled day of sitting on a stool behind a counter and once every hour or so opening the glass case for some less than sober eighteen to twenty), one o'clock, and the rain came. the raindrops got heavier, and by two every other one had turned into a sopping, obese little snowflake. so i pissed and moaned and spewed out my snowflake hate crime monologue, until six, when i realized that after a half a day of it, there was nothing on the ground, and thus nothing to worry about. by six fifteen that nothing miraculously turned into three inches of heavy wet snow, unsalted and unplowed, uninterested in the the needs of the ill prepared driver.
but as i drove, second gear from main street to the mall in the impenetrable curtain of it, i realized i liked it; that in those twenty minutes, i hadn't cussed or screamed or flailed or punched, i had neglected even the music i cannot ever drive without. wrapped in violent weighted crystals, hyannis was beautiful. the decrepit parking lots and tiny ill-maintained businesses all serene, broken down half cars and empty usedto stores covered in snow, it was all clean for the first time in so long, since the last breathtaking, life threatening storm. i remembered being little, being four and five, going out in nylon layers under cover of a night held at bay by the blue aura of winter snow, into the woods. i remember at that size, making my way to some secluded open space, drunk on the beauty of the world hidden by opaque water.
i remembered that calm, the beauty of winter, and being so fucking in love with it all. the madness of snow.......