It makes me really sad that I haven't done anything like this in a really long while. I decided to do this for my kid sister Melanie A.K.A Melanoma. We were shopping around for a Jo Bro backpack but all the ones we saw every where were really tacky. In simple words they were butt. So, I proposed to design her a backpack and she accepted. I felt like it was going to be fairly simple. I've stenciled more complicated things before. But holy crap that logo was a pain! It went all wrong, the stencil bled horribly. I tried to fix it. I basically free-handed the rest of it. I finally showed my finished product to Melanie, it was horrible at best. I explained that she would only have to carry this the first week of school and that the following week I'd make her a new one. She said, "no! I want this one, this one is perfect, thank you, Tracy." Kids can sometimes be so brutally honest that they ruin your day. But other times, it's that very same honesty that makes your day.