Gujarath's Pioneer in Organic Farming

Mar 20, 2012 18:57

Originally posted by goansmileat Gujarath's Pioneer in Organic Farming
Put this up even on Natural living, I get some responses from there. Here it looks as if its for my personal viewing only. So here goes goan smile --

It’s been around two years now since I read this article on Bhaskar Save. It’s amazing how a person can completely give up harmful chemicals and depend on nature to do its thing. Had a discussion in office about why do we need to call “Nature “ in third person when we are Infact part of Nature, we were made by a superior being (God) whose brain cannot be mapped. He picked us from this soil and made us. What about this thought we plant a orange sapling and banana sapling in the same field and both absorb the same ingredients from the soil and still have two different kind of fruit, If someone asks you who is the best cook you can now safely say it’s the tree. Another wonderful thing that I read from the write up by Bhaskar Save and Ashok Shangav was how they use the natures farmer - Earthworm to do the work of tilling an orchard for free. Weeds too can prevent radiation from the sun from penetrating the soil. Insects such as spider and red ants do not destroy a crop but act as a deterrent to prevent other pests from eating them. Owls and Mongoose help in keeping the rodents at bay. How is it that we have lost the connect with Nature. I think we need to be grateful for a tree for being so kind enough to produce oxygen, which a human would need millions of dollars or rupees to replicate the same procedure. The design is perfect we have lost the connect with the designer and his creation.
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