Vote Republicratic, Now with 50% more communism

Apr 27, 2005 09:16

I woke up and there was snow on the ground.

I panic Iw as all. "I sleep throu summer... no girls in bikinis!!!"

I was tired even after a season long nap.

I love winnipeg, Its snow when ever it feels like. Do we have some gaint snow target on us or something.

I feel bad for farmers, the snow fall musta hurt their crops even a little.. god know we need our Wheat!

with all teh paririe land in manitobe why is 97% wheat fileds, 2% conla ans 1% a mix of sunflowers and other usuless shit.

Wheres teh potatoes! I need my potatoes, even potatoes are boring.

dan farmers and there three teeth grow something more then wheat.

plant payayas or mangos or, fuck cocain... geesh i'm sick of travel out of town where i see a total of what 12 trees, and like a kazillion stocks of wheat!

How much wheat does the world need. is teh worlsd in some sort of constipation epidemic, that we need to wheat.

I mean have the people don't eat the stuff any way. I mean with the fatkins diet running rampit.

Carbs are good for you! They help break down fat and vitums so you body can use them

Not that I have anything against meat! I love meat, mmm steak, but geesh why the fatkins diet.

Fatkins himself died because of that diet! and you gooing to copy him, its like.. Hmmm Jimmy put his head in the woodchipper and lost 3 pounds, and his life... I think I shall do the same...

Fucking morons!

after you go on said fatkins diet... if you eat any bread even a little curton. You colon EXPLOSES, in a messy death!

i dunno about you, but I rather not have my colon explode.

Why can't people just be happy with themselfs, real who that fuck cares if you 145 pounds.

"But Whorey McWhore is 108 pounds." yes gbut whorey also in a gross looking tooth pick that breaks her pelvis when ever she farts! MMM vomit the desert of champions!

Marketers on on to this health concinse scam as they slap on "50% less carbs" on every thing.

Low carb bread!

Sugar with no MSG

Beer with no alcohol

Gasoline with less fatty acids.

Cocain with 50% less carbs, for teh health conciense coke fiend!

You the be happy you're "fat" eat you're fucking carbs and plant something else more then wheat.

damn snow!
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